Friday, March 13, 2020

Medievil Times essays

Medievil Times essays What was Medieval life like? The medieval times were very difficult, with many diseases, atrocious food and was nothing like our society today. Medieval times are especially famous because of wars fought with swords, bows and arrows, and also because of Christianitys corruption and things like the forms of government and types of protection offered. Times werent favorable in this era, but there were definitely some bright moments in the process. Shrek 2 shows off many aspects of the Middle Ages, in an witty, modern day fashion. Shrek and Fiona set the stage as two newlywed ogres in a fairytale styled world, adjusting to their new lifestyle with their loveable pal, Donkey. Conflict occurs, however, when Shrek and Fiona go to visit Fionas parents back at the castle. Princess Fiona, daughter of the king and queen of Far, Far Away, was struck by a terrible curse long ago nightly, she would turn into an ogre, while at the beginning of each day, returning to her normal, humanlike form. To break the spell, Fiona would have to meet the man of her dreams to kiss her at midnight so she could become her beautiful self forever. Fiona, however, chose to permanently be an ogre to more comfortably spend her life with Shrek. Her parents are appalled seeing her daughter as an ogre but disgusted seeing the man of her dreams as an ogre as well. The king of Far, Far Away, also known as Fionas father, will stop at nothing to get this ogre away from her daughter so she can marry a real prince to rid her of this spell. Afte r mutual brutal behavior between the two men, the king sets Shrek into a deadly trap by pretending to be on good terms with him. From there, Shrek, Donkey and their new feline friend go on a quest so that Shrek can fit the needs of Fiona and her family only to discover that him being who he was is the only thing Fiona wanted of him. Feudalism was an important aspect of this era. It ...