Thursday, September 3, 2020

Marketing Analysis of BQ | SWOT

Advertising Analysis of BQ | SWOT Presentation A procedure is created by a thought of the assets of the association comparable to its condition, the prime reason for existing being to include esteem Dobson (2004). As indicated by Stredwick (2008), Strategic examination is worried about the vital situation of the association. It comprises of the associations esteems, culture, assets and its condition. It handles the accompanying inquiries: what are the key attributes of the association, what changes are going on in nature, and by what means will these influence the association and its exercises. Likewise, a point by point inward and outer natural examination including an appraisal of culture empowers the association to settle on a key decision and furthermore help in the key execution. Thusly, the report will utilize various devices, for example, SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats) investigation comparable to Michael Porter five powers examination to feature where BQ (UK) is, and the earth it works in, is deliberately and where it could be later on and the idea of rivalry. It takes a gander at inner components, the qualities and shortcomings of BQ, and outer elements, the chances and dangers confronting the business. Also, PESTLE (Political, Economic, Socio-social, Technological, Legal and Environmental) investigation is another instrument to be utilized to break down the full scale outside condition. Johnson (1992) Cultural web will likewise be utilized for the evaluation of BQ culture. BQ Profile BQ was the primary national DIY retailer and has been in the DIY business for over 30 years. Richard Block and David Quayle (BQ) needed to bring esteem, longer opening times and a more extensive item range to everybody. During the 1980s it purchased the Scottish DIY chain Dodge City and in the long run turned out to be a piece of the Kingfisher Group. Today, BQ is the UKs driving DIY and nursery focus retailer and its stores offer around 40,000 uplifting home improvement and nursery items for the homemaker, incidental to genuine DIY and exchange experts. Swot Analysis of BQ UK Qualities, Weaknesses, Opportunities Threats (SWOT) investigation is an instrument of natural checking planned for examining both the inside (qualities and shortcomings) and outer condition (for example openings and dangers) to see whether the association can take advantage of new lucky breaks given its qualities and face new dangers in spite of its shortcomings. Along these lines, a SWOT examination is a balanced investigation which works out in a good way past the inner condition. Qualities Driving brand and great notoriety BQ is the main driving brand in the UK and is double the size of its rival. It has a market size of  £31bn as respect to the size of fix, upkeep and improvement advertise. Being the main situation in the UK advertise, BQ has a significant quality as they are in front of their opponents. Moreover, BQs notoriety is solid and famous which means individuals see it with deference and put stock in it, for instance, BQ is supporting Prince Charles in his Preserve the Rainforest. Expanded piece of the pie BQ has a piece of the pie of 14% where it utilizes 22,602 representatives and has 321 stores in the UK ( got to [19/10/10]. In this way, BQ will keep on developing in the home improvement and nursery segment. Their expanded piece of the overall industry is a key to their prosperity as it supports notoriety, benefit and the estimation of the association. Continually making new, separated, Innovative and wide scope of Products BQ offer around 40,000 items in stores. BQ additionally has its solid own-mark, for example, BQ vehicle boot defender, BQ Foot siphon, etc. BQ has inventive, very much showed items and they are additionally proceeding with their reestablishment program which incorporates refreshing item ranges, for example, propelling their first reasonable exchange items and planning more eco-items. In this manner, BQs advancement keeps it a leader in the home improvement and nursery focus as it is consistently re-propelling and structuring new items. Henceforth, having an item separation methodology makes BQ at a superior upper hand. Locales BQ has some great positions and new opening chances. BQ has 321 stores in the UK. They likewise empower more eco stores, for example, their eco lead store is situated in New Malden and flaunts imaginative advancements, for example, 108 underground drill openings, 100 meters which warmth and cool the store with vitality from the earth. Also, for the primary year 2010/11 half advancement, three huge and 1 medium stores patch up (kingfisher methodology progress, March 2010). Consequently, this is a quality which shows the general execution of the BQ. Increasing the value of the association Embracing Michael Porter (1985) esteem chain idea through the entirety of its essential and supporting exercises, BQ Delivering Value program of self improvement activities is functioning admirably, which means now it produces altogether higher benefits and income from its tasks and a vastly improved profit for capital for its investors []. Innovative qualities BQ have grasped innovative progression in their business. For instance, it has their own site where clients can shop on line to be specific,, in this manner encouraging web based business. What's more, BQ intranet office likewise helps in improving its inside correspondence framework where strategy and techniques of the organization can be gotten to all representatives. Besides, on the fourth august 2010, BQ has propelled its first iDIY APPS which makes it simpler for clients to take care of business by having BQ specialists accessible for them at whatever point required. It is new at apple store and allowed to download for I telephone and I cushion clients. Besides, a scope of green innovations have fused into new stores at BQ. Great client relationship the executives In excess of 3,000,000 clients come at BQ (UK) entryways consistently. Along these lines, BQ has a broad client base, which is a significant quality with respect to deals and benefit. Also, BQ hold their clients by allowing them the chance to make, plan their own item as per their taste. BQ offer various kinds of rebate for standard customers which additionally help in client maintenance, for example, the precious stone card which offer 10 % markdown off to the over 60s each Wednesday off chosen buys or items, Trade Discount Card which likewise offers limits for exchange clients and Corporate Gift Cards which get limits for mass spending. Successful Human Resource Practices BQ has been granted again for the fourth year running the Gallup best working environment grant. In addition, on the 22nd June 2010, BQ UK likewise scoops the top honor at organization of inside correspondences []. BQ UK is additionally perceived for its consistent accentuation on worker preparing so as to improve consumer loyalty. For instance, 15 500 workers of BQ UK have finished a Retail Skills Level 2 NVQ or Home Improvement Knowledge Qualification granted by City Guilds. BQ has an accomplished workforce which drives the association with information and skill. As a rule, we can along these lines remark that BQ UK focus on the delicate side of human asset the board. They put resources into individuals through great correspondences, joining and preparing. A participative administration style BQ has a natural or compliment hierarchical structure which mirrors its way of life. Representatives are engaged and have opportunity of communicating new thoughts. In this way, BQ opens the capability of its representatives. At BQ, they have been caught up with establishing the frameworks for future development. For instance, they as of late propelled a Dragons Den-style board to assist them with sifting new imaginative and inventive thoughts from staff which is known as the Innovation Den. This, along these lines, supports a culture of business enterprise and strengthening. Money related assets BQ has improved their money related execution; this can be demonstrated by the key execution markers, for example, the working edge which has expanded from 2.8% in 08/09 to 4.9% in 09/10. Consequently, the thorough spotlight on producing improved income from activities, decreasing the interest in working capital, while fixing powers over capital use, has yielded a huge decrease in budgetary net obligation [ ] Compelling waste and reusing the executives Decreasing waste assistance to improve productivity of association, subsequently, so far BQ has 48 % less carbon transmitted from squander. They have attempted to deal with their creation in a precise manner using innovation. They urge clients to return old items and bundling for reusing. Low danger of new passageway (one component of Porters five powers examination) Being the market chief, having a market size of  £31bn, focusing on item separation; economies of scale; having cost points of interest; having high capital necessities and being a piece of kingfisher, the third biggest home improvement retailer on the planet, BQ, has low danger of new contenders. Haggling intensity of providers: one component of Porters five powers investigation BQ keep up solid relationship with their providers, for example, guaranteeing that their providers furnish them with eco-accommodating items. Along these lines, the haggling intensity of their providers is low, which makes BQ having an upper hand. Shortcomings According to kingfisher business audit, august 2010, BQ like to like deals has expanded on occasional items, for example, garden items; nonetheless, one shortcoming will be that deals of nursery item will be decreased because of winter climate which will debilitate clients to put resources into their nurseries. BQ site,, has a helpless online business appraisals as they were positioned base by and large, with client outputs of half. Likewise, the site got just two star appraisals for cost and item out of five stars. Besides, they additionally have conveyance issues; from over bundling and deferrals to time allotments which shows how BQ is burning through the two its time and assets and furthermore uncovers their failure to adjust rapidly to change. Oppo

Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Irregular Past Participle Forms

Unpredictable Past Participle Forms Unpredictable Past Participle Forms Unpredictable Past Participle Forms By Maeve Maddox I experienced grade school in the terrible past times, when educators penetrated the class on unpredictable action words. For instance: Instructor: go Understudy A: go, went, have gone Instructor: come Understudy B: come, came, have come Instructor: compose Understudy C: compose, composed, have composed I don’t review when the drills started, yet I’m almost certain we didn’t do them after the 6th grade. By at that point, as it's been said, we knew the drill. From my experience I presume that an offspring of eleven or twelve is equipped for acing the sporadic action word structures. That’s why I don’t comprehend why such a large number of adults composing on the Web misunderstand them. Here’s an examining. Coincidentally, one of these models is from an author of British English, and one is from the official site of a historical center in an enormous American city. I’ve had this post lounging around for some time. Since I’ve composed it, I’ve went to and fro about posting it. Half a month back I began having wrist torment from playing a lot of b-ball. From that point forward Ive went to numerous specialists and some have said its tendonitis, I need to distribute my book I have composed. Paleo-Indian individuals are thought to have came to Wisconsin from the west and south around 12,000 years prior. Early English had many what we currently call unpredictable action words, the vast majority of which have become regularized with - ed endings. For instance, the old past types of helpâ€holp and holpenâ€now have the customary structures helped and made a difference. The procedure of regularization proceeds. For instance, while numerous speakers despite everything want to state kill, slew, (have) killed, others have started to state kill, killed, (have) killed. The sporadic action words generally impervious to change are the ones we utilize most as often as possible, similar to go back and forth. Since they are such high-recurrence words, one can just ask why speakers who have finished at least six years of formal training haven’t aced their structures. Maybe perusers of discussions or beginner online journals aren’t upset by â€Å"have came† or â€Å"have began,† however perusers looking for precise data presumably wouldn’t append a lot of certainty to anything composed on the accompanying locales, every one of which introduces itself as a dependable wellspring of information: Monster space rocks may have started the period of dinosaurs just as finished it. (feature on science site) In the course of the most recent couple of decades people have started to twist and overstep the laws of characteristic choice laws that have administered life on Earth for as far back as four billion years.â (course contributions, college site) Working with what we have right now, we have started putting a portion of our flying creatures together so we can open up fenced in areas and make them a lot greater! (Australian untamed life park) Related post: Beware of the Irregular Past Participle Forms Need to improve your English quickly a day? Get a membership and begin getting our composing tips and activities every day! Continue learning! Peruse the Grammar class, check our famous posts, or pick a related post below:Coordinating versus Subjecting Conjunctions35 Genres and Other Varieties of FictionThrew and Through

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Good relationship Essay Example For Students

Great relationship Essay The character I decided to play was Mickey, the pained twin. Now in the play he is in his initial adolescents and is a significant insubordinate youth. Or maybe a nervy chappy. He s unmistakably exhausted to death by school and has found an ability for entertaining his companions. He considers himself to be the homeroom performer. Like all young people he is a character in arrangement. He has a decent connection with his mother, P48 MRS JOHNSTONE Y waitin for y mum to give y a major messy kiss, come here. MICKEY Im goin, Im goin  Mickey additionally typically could never confess to loving his Mum, P 59 EDWARD Shes remarkable your mama, isnt she?  MICKEY Shes a fuckin head case  Mickey wears customary school uniform however in its scruffiest structure. Theres a shirt-button missing and grass recolors on his pants. The two his tie and his pant legs are excessively short. These garments are unmistakably used articles. His hair is whole, oily and scruffy. His introduction is in clear complexity to his siblings splendid white shirt, his squeezed pants and his snappy hair. Mickey is obviously communicating sentiments of absolute weariness. He has consistently had a weakness for Linda and we realize the emotions are shared. In our presentation we had Mickey laying his head on the table toward the start, unmistakably somewhere down in thought. Prior that morning Mickey had seen his senior sibling Sammy compromise the transport driver and all things considered, he is somewhere down in considered that. Mickey obviously has the considerations of the world on his young shoulders. Crowd We proposed, with our presentation, to show how comparative the siblings truly were, despite the fact that they have been brought up in totally various situations with various social codes. Besides we needed to make the crowd roar with laughter; to make them grin to the detriment of the instructor. Occasions worked out in a good way and the crowd reacted decidedly to the young men abuse and they listened mindfully to the discourse. I saw this as an engaging piece of the play. The young men comparative practices were convincing and I felt myself being brought into the story. I loved the manner in which we could all the while appreciate the discourteous shenanigans and welcome the dim advancement of the tale. Richard Slade 10JDB Total word tally.

Organizational Culture Of Dominos Pizza Commerce Essay

Hierarchical Culture Of Dominos Pizza Commerce Essay I have picked the DOMINOS PIZZA as a business. The motivation behind why I have picked this business since it is well known everywhere throughout the world. I have went a wide range of branches , and taste the scrumptious fiery food. I have been worked their a half year , so I realized these regions well, just as information with respect to my work place. It is additionally an instruction furnished business with great nature of food and administration. Accordingly it is a perfect business to pick report composing. Presentation OF DOMINOS PIZZA: DOMINOS PIZZA is a worldwide pizza conveyance enterprise . It is the second biggest chain in the United States. Its central command is in , Ann Arbor , Michigan United States. Dominos has 60 worldwide markets . Additionally it likewise has 9000 corporate and diversified stores . In 1998 dominos pizza was offered to Bain capital lastly went in the year 2004 Principle FEATURES OF DOMINOS PIZZA ARE : Pizza Pasta Wings Plates of mixed greens Cheddar sticks Assortment of treats things Administrations : Home conveyance Entryway Remove HISTORY OF DOMINOS PIZZA : Celebrated individual , tom monaghan and his sibling , James bought Dominicks a little pizza store at Michigan in the year 1960. Be that as it may, following eights months after the fact , James additionally exchanged his half business to tom for bug. At long last he named the business Dominos Pizza .Inc. in 1965. The logo for the organization arranged with the new spots to each store. Gradually and consistently Dominos experienced fast development . at long last finally 200th store opened by establishment. Establishment likewise opened their site which help the clients to book their requests on the web. Todays it Dominos has spread through at all world and it is very renowned now a days at all levels. Correspondence IN DOMINOS : This business is totally relying upon correspondence. Individuals working there as a gathering and each one speaks with one another. Primary motivation behind correspondence is to communicate something specific by sender to collector and get criticism from beneficiary. The staff of Dominos use email, notice board, banners, and handouts for correspondence. For instance:- if any data needs to pass all colleagues a notification will cut with notice board and it tends to be send by this likewise a method of correspondence. QUALITY: DOMINOSs have date; time in every aspect of the eatery to guarantee that whole item from crude to cook is of the best quality. Date, time are checked consistently by staff whether item from chillers, creation canisters or front counter. So we can say they give quality to the clients. Administration : Just as hot, new item conveyed precisely and in an opportune way, clients anticipate great help. Dominos says about clients treat them as they expected to be dealt with, welcome them in warm, amicable way and consistently have bless staffs face. Discoveries : Authoritative CULTURE: Culture is about exercises of a people like how they incredible to other. Its a multicultural association .In Dominos the workers are from various Culture and various nations so its multicultural association. I think its a need of the work environment since some time face diverse culture individuals for correspondence. As we probably am aware Newzealand is where individuals originate from various piece of the world. So for advancement a business in Newzealand we need distinctive social representatives, who can speak with various social individuals and it serves to the business. Dominos additionally show their workers social morals, proficient morals, and individual morals. In Dominoss we take in part from information and experience during correspondence with our more elevated level like if a team individual speak with eatery supervisor he straightforwardly influenced by method of correspondence of café chief since café director realize how to convey. Hierarchical GOAL The objectives of Dominos are as per the following:- 1. Dominos vision is to be the universes best Quick help eateries experience. 2. Dominos is focused on keeping up and building up the best food items in the snappy help eatery advertise. 3. So as to convey this, the organization has made various responsibilities to sanitation and sustenance. 4. Lead the brisk assistance eatery advertise by a program of site improvement and , beneficial café openings, and by drawing in new clients. Expanding deals through advancements will empower them to proceed with their program of development. Business Demographics I need to give a case of myself about information and involvement with that association when I given a meeting for this association the determination board of trustees didnt get some information about any past experience I gained all from working environment via preparing, correspondence with the other staff of the association. Preparing period show more everybody in Dominos. Seniors consistently imparted their insight to youngsters, which is extremely useful for youngsters. 1. Team Trainer Crew coach is individual who prepares the group part and give his experience and fundamental information on working environment to the team individual. So mentor gives the fundamental information like how to make burgers, how to clean working environment and so forth. 2. Administrators The quantity of supervisors relies upon limit of Dominos as what amount occupied it may be. In the wake of passing team preparing stage group become group mentor and he will have the option to offer preparing to different learners. In this manner preparing chief is an individual who educates next exercise to group mentors. He additionally shares his insight and involvement in students. 3. Associations Manager He is the individual who has all duties of cafés like in our gathering there are five eateries he is the huge supervisor everything being equal. He is most experienced individual in the eatery and he had all information about cafés. Gathering Dynamics As I clarified about group of Dominos where I am working is from various culture like some of them are from India, some of them are from Philippines and some of them are from Fiji, Samoa. So its a major thing to discuss every individual with one another. The correspondence is primary concern which append them one another and make them fill in as a gathering. The interchanges in association create and improve relational abilities of representatives since this work environment is completely founded on correspondence. For instance when a team part or administrator taking request from the counter he need to communicate in English and listen English so it can create both talking and tuning in of the group or chief. Group and Manager cause a group for any association so its away which to grow entire group. Meeting Management In the executives gatherings correspondence procedure ought to be clear, expertly, consistently. Expertly The correspondence which we use in gatherings of association identified with our calling. Clear Communication ought to be clear which bode well for audience. Sensible Communication ought to be rationale full or identified with the issue which really we need talk about in meeting. Reason The motivation behind correspondence should clear for all the gathering attainders. Partners : In partners we can incorporate inward and outer elements which are influenced by association like workers, wholesalers, Govt. Media and so forth. The picked association by me speaks with all partners those independently identified with association by fantastic way. Systems : The association is associated with web for everybody and they use messages, letters, banners and other publicizing material to interface with individuals. The inside system of the association is associated by LAN (neighborhood) and WAN additionally (wide zone organize). End : This business depends on two things one is inner and other is outside interior which I talked about in this report which is correspondence in association and second is individuals since it is individuals based business. So to get accomplishment around here association need to focus on the two things. Suggestions : As Dominos have numerous correspondence goals like making mindfulness, granting information, anticipating a picture, forming perspectives, animating a need or want, influencing a deal. As indicated by me they should include some more correspondence targets like teach, energize activity, reward shopper, coordinate the opposition, beat the opposition, make a guarantee, and satisfy the guarantee. They ought to give some more offices to them like for the guardians they ought to give unique limits on their exceptional days (Birthday, Marriage Anniversary) and for kids they should open Kids Zone on their every stores so they can make the most of their time.

Friday, August 21, 2020

Career Management Plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Vocation Management Plan - Essay Example The assets are for the most part placed into vocation advancement through trainings. Most vocation improvement trainings are paid for, in this way, an individual seeking to build up their profession should put away cash. The accomplishment of an advancement venture can't be achieved is there is no budgetary support. Time is a costly asset in business. Time characterizes numerous business viewpoints, for example, quality. Vocation the executives requires time for preparing and direction. An individual must commit sufficient time to improve the nature of advancement. Subsequently, the time required must be at standard with the set prerequisites for a specific improvement undertaking. Another significant asset in vocation the board is building connections. In the present world, most openings for work emerge from building working relationship with a few people with comparative intrigue. Building relationship encourages an individual to find out about the universe of business, hence maturing the odds of a flourishing vocation. Investigating the need of representatives is the absolute most significant point in profession the board. It is the comprehension of the need that drives suitable activities. The improvement needs of the representatives are achieved by an adjustment in innovation, methods for creation or an adjustment in the administration structure of an association. To attempt profession improvement by frameworks approach, this is the underlying advance that ought to be broke down. Now, the coaches are worried about the substance of the preparation and the level, type and sum introduction that they can ingrain on the representatives. The preparation ought to likewise be fascinating with respect to representatives so dating can be simple. This kind of profession the board is regular in numerous organizations utilizing most recent advancements. Material required for preparing rely upon the idea of preparing, level and sort of preparing. A compelling preparing undertaking must utilize the applicable material in which the

How to Use a My Service Canada Account

The most effective method to Use a My Service Canada Account The My Service Canada Account (MSCA) is accessible from Service Canada, the administrative division accused of conveying a wide assortment of taxpayer driven organizations. The record gives secure online access to view and update your own data on Employment Insurance (EI), the Canada Pension Plan (CPP), and Old Age Security (OAS). Instructions to Obtain an Access Code Before you can enroll for a My Service Canada Account, you need an entrance code-either an EI get to code in the event that you are applying for EI benefits or a Personal Access Code, which you should ask for. The four-digit EI Access Code is imprinted in the concealed region on the advantage articulation sent to you after you apply for Employment Insurance. To demand a seven-digit Personal Access Code (PAC), read the data on the Request a Personal Access Code page. Peruse and print the Privacy Notice Statement for your records. Select proceed, give the accompanying data, and present your: Social Insurance NumberFirst nameLast nameDate of birthMothers lady namePostal code and address data It will take fiveâ to 10 days to get your PAC via mail. When you have an entrance code, you can enroll for a My Service Canada Account on the web. The most effective method to Register and Log In At the MSCA site, you can pick between signing in with CGKey utilizing a Government of Canada User ID and secret word or utilizing certifications you may as of now have with a Sign-In Partner, for example, those you use for web based banking. At the point when you utilize a Sign-In Partner, Service Canada won't share individual data with the accomplice about the taxpayer supported organizations you get to and the accomplice won't give individual data it holds to Service Canada during the login procedure. Administration Canada won't realize which accomplice you are utilizing. On the off chance that you are a first-time client, adhere to the enlistment guidelines to finish the sign-up process before signing in. GCKey Registration To start with, peruse and acknowledge the terms and conditions. Be set up to: Make a User IDCreate recuperation questions, answers, and hintsCreate and affirm a secret phrase Sign-In Partner Registration Peruse and consent to the terms and conditionsSelect a Sign-In Partner Business Insurance (EI) When you are signed in, you can utilize the My Service Canada Account apparatus to see your electronic Records of Employment (ROEs) and data on your EI guarantee, including your week by week advantage rate, the beginning and end date of your case, the beginning and end of your holding up period, your reasonable income, the quantity of weeks you will be qualified for get EI benefits, the quantity of long stretches of EI benefits you have just gotten, installment dates, and insights regarding installment reasonings. This record instrument likewise permits you to: View data on past EI claimsSubmit an Absence From Canada formSubmit a Course or Training formPrint your T4E charge slip for EI advantages to utilize when documenting your personal expense returnStart or stop the mailing of your T4E charge slipsRegister to pay EI premiums on your independent work incomeChange your location or phone informationSign up for direct store or change your financial data Canada Pension Plan (CPP) The My Service Account permits you to see data about your Canada Pension Plan (CPP) advantages and view and print your CPP Statement of Contributions. You can likewise utilize this instrument to: Get a gauge of your CPP retirement benefitsPrint your T4A(P) charge slip for CPP advantages to utilize when you record your pay taxesStart or stop the mailing of your T4A(P) charge slipsChange your location or phone data (a few special cases apply)Sign up for direct store or change your financial data Mature Age Security (OAS) Data on Old Age Security (OAS) benefits is additionally accessible in the My Service Account. The subtleties of your advantages including installment dates and month to month sums is found here. The apparatus additionally permits you to: Print your T4A (OAS) charge slip for OAS salary for your annual duty returnChange your location or phone data (a few special cases apply)Sign up for direct store or change your financial data Questions and Assistance In the event that you experience issues utilizing the My Service Canada Account device, visit the closest Service Canada Office. Experienced government faculty will be accessible to respond to questions and give help.

Saturday, June 20, 2020

Sovereignty and Human Liberty in a Man for All Seasons - Literature Essay Samples

Sovereignty commands an eminent position in A Man for All Seasons (1960) composed by playwright, Robert Bolt. This play revolves around a controversy engraved in most Euro-American history, involving sovereignty (loyalty to the Crown), religious faith, personal conviction and individual responsibility. Interwoven with other dominant themes such as Reformation, Church and State, Law and Order, and Marriage, the Liberty of conscience forms the axle on which the entire play turns. In his classical masterpiece, On Liberty (1804), John Stuart Mill declares that â€Å"this, then, is the appropriate region of human liberty. It comprises, first, the inward domain of consciousness; demanding liberty of conscience in the most comprehensive sense; liberty of thought and feeling; absolute freedom of opinion and sentiment on all subjects (Mill 2001, 15). It is for this principle that Sir Thomas More stands and tragically falls, since he declines to relinquish his core principles and by extension , his own liberty of conscience for repute, kingly honor, privilege or life. A nascent liberty of conscience materializes with the wave of the Reformation, signifying a period of tumultuous, radical change and instigating a paradigm shift in thought and the conduct of religion and politics in England and even Europe. Although the term is never coined and universalized until Voltaire, the observer of history discerns its evanescence and fundamentality in the vast chronicle of wars. He pronounces in his writings, â€Å"this is the law last mentioned in terms of its enactment: liberty of conscience being a right which all men have received from nature with their very being, and which all peaceable persons ought to maintain, it is positively established that no person shall be compelled to join any public exercise of religion.† (Voltaire 2017). During the Reformation era, England literally divorces herself from papal authority (pun intended) through King Henry VIII’s divorce and decree called The Act of Supremacy, and the English monarch appropriates to himself greater sovereignty in religio-political matters. Here, King Henry VIII assumes more authority and then legitimises his own marital annulment and remarriage to conceive an heir to the Crown. In this process, he seizes the title of the Head of the Church of England, simultaneously dethroning Papal dogma and doctrine. At this reformatory stage, Europe transitions to a new order and partially dispenses with a galling antiquity. Sir Thomas More attributes the suppression of personal sovereignty as the formula for widespread anarchy and corruption in England. He affirms that â€Å"when statesmen forsake their own private conscience for the sake of their public duties . . . they lead their country by a short route to chaos† (Bolt 12). In these words, he links societal order with the harmony of one’s true conviction and the outflow of action. The conscience, serving as the moral compass in issues of right and wrong, should steer the individual’s actions in alignment with his belief system. However, Thomas More laments that the reason for the widespread degeneracy largely owes to the deliberate disregard of the pangs of conscience to enjoy temporary benefit. Good and evil become confused and subsequently, injustice abounds. Sovereignty over arches as the theme twinned with liberty of conscience as an absolute system of monarchy governs England. By way of the universally accepted divine right of kings or the divine right to rule, sovereignty compels every English subject to yield his individual will to the king and his wishes. Nevertheless, according to Sir Thomas More, â€Å"there’s a little, little area †¦ where I must rule myself† (Bolt 35). This region of personal sovereignty, to which he refers, no man must infringe for it defines the heart of a man, resolves essential questions of right and wrong, and shape his personal relationship with God. Another instance of Thomas More urging his individual sovereignty depicts him in direct opposition to the king’s latest parliamentary mandates, the Act of Supremacy and the Act of Succession. He abstains from signing the decree. Allegorizing his point of divergence, he contends, â€Å"Some men think the Earth is round, others think i t flat; it is a matter capable of question. But if it is flat, will the Kings command make it round? And if it is round, will the Kings command flatten it? No, I will not sign† (Bolt 79). This intrepid disapproval is worthy of commendation as More adheres firmly to his value system and asserts an individual liberty of conscience which he never surrenders. Thomas More’s self-sovereignty and immovable integrity starkly contrast with Richard Rich’s perspective on morals and liberty of conscience. Vehemently sustaining in the earlies of the play that â€Å"every man has his price †¦ in titles, pleasure, women, bricks-and-mortar, there’s always something† (Bolt 6); he concludes that any man’s morals can be marketed to the highest bidder. In Rich’s view, selfish motives and egotistical ambition can always lure, alter and compromise a man’s opinion. His Machiavellian statement presupposes that the only virtue inherent to humankind is selfishness – doing whatever is necessary and justifying the means to acquire the ends. Persisting in this belief, one deduces that notwithstanding the claims of conscience, Rich’s own mind remains subject only to mercenary considerations, and swayed by materialism. True to his personal philosophy, Richard Rich is bribed to testify against his c olleague, Sir Thomas More and perjures himself at the latter’s trial. Despite these unconscionable expediencies, Rich continues to enrich himself, ascending the social ladder as Attorney General for Wales (Bolt 94). Similarly, Cromwell concurs with Rich’s philosophy of a tradeable liberty and a buyable conscience. Calling himself the ‘King’s ear,’ he serves as a spying sycophant to the English monarch. His value system succinctly put, â€Å"when the king wants something done, I do it† (Bolt 40). Here one recognizes that the sacrifice of conscience matters little in the great scheme of things. Without any independence of mind, he implicitly trusts the king to lead him. However, despite petitions, favors and threats, Thomas More unbendingly repels the king’s requests and commands to espouse the divorce, inimical to More’s own conscience†¦ until at his execution, he stubbornly affirms. â€Å"I make my petition to Almighty God that He will keep me in this, my honest mind, to the last hour that I shall live† (Bolt 89). In conclusion, sovereignty and personal freedom stands as a pivotal question in A Man for All Seasons, as one witnesses the decision of one individual to be faithful to his own heart and to his own God. As he alludes to an essential heroism that is sadly lacking, he instructs, â€Å"if we lived in a State where virtue was profitable, common sense would make us good .. But since in fact we see that avarice, anger, envy, pride, sloth, lust and stupidity commonly profit far beyond humility, chastity, fortitude, justice and thought, and have to choose, to be human at all . . . why then perhaps we must stand fast a little-even at the risk of being heroes† (Bolt 84). Works Cited: Bolt, Robert. A Man for All Seasons, Hereford Plays, Heinemann Educational, 1960. Mill, Stuart. On Liberty, Batoche Books, Kitchener, 2001. Voltaire. The Philosophy of Voltaire-Collected Works and Treatise on Tolerance. Musaicum Books, 2017.

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

How to Choose Good Communication Studies Essay Samples

How to Choose Good Communication Studies Essay SamplesMany people like to know that their essays are giving them the edge in the job market. With the abundance of many different communication studies essay samples on the market, it can be hard to know which one is best for you.Unfortunately, some of the more expensive and famous learning tools are not the perfect essay samples. Here are some tips to help you decide whether or not a certain writing tool is worth your money.There are quite a few of these free or very cheap samples available. However, it's important to realize that most of them won't give you the kind of writing you need to get a job. Sure, they may have words that will get you through college, but after that? Not so much.In reality, most writing teachers are not going to teach you how to write like a professional. Instead, they're going to teach you how to write like an adult who knows that the real world is not a nice place and people don't always come right on time. They're also going to teach you about social manners and how to be polite.With a few more pieces of writing study tools, you'll get to read about those social nuances. You'll find out how to not talk down to people, how to respond to a difficult situation and even how to recognize when someone's being sarcastic. These are things that will greatly improve your performance in real life and will make you more appealing to those in leadership positions.Not every individual will need the specific writing courses, but they can definitely give you the edge you need in your job search. If you want to get a good edge, you need to use a tool that will give you something that other professionals will not.When choosing a writing sample, always go with one that is professional looking and professional sounding. Of course, the words should sound real and have some real substance to them. Once you learn how to make this happen, you will see a huge difference in your results and you will not only w in over your boss, but you will also end up in an interview that is more comfortable and positive.

Monday, May 18, 2020

Paper on Keynesian Contributions to Public Finance.

PAPER ON KEYNESIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO PUBLIC FINANCE 1. Impact of Keynesian Revolution on Public Finance In 1936 British economist John Maynard Keynes published The General Theory of Employment, Interest, and Money. Distressed by the failure of national governments to cope with the Great Depression, Keynes rejected many assumptions of classical economics and argued that state intervention, and in particular regulation of interest rates, could control inflation and minimize unemployment. What however was the â€Å"Keynesian Revolution?† Perhaps we can find the answer by taking a brief glance at Keynes’s celebrated book The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money and the â€Å"short argument† on page 63: Equation 1: Income = value of output†¦show more content†¦Income = value of output (A+B) = consumption (A) + investment + National Dividend. 2. Saving (B) = income (A+ B) minus consumption (A) 3. Therefore: Saving (B) = investment + National Dividend. It would be necessary to ensure that the â€Å"value of output† (so far as it represented the total price of retail goods) was kept down by using a part of the â€Å"National Dividend† to reduce retail prices, by means of the second Douglas proposal, the â€Å"National Discount† or â€Å"Compensated Price.† The central policy change was the proposition that government action could change the level of unemployment, via deficit spending (fiscal stimulus) such as by public works or tax cuts, and changes in interest rates and money supply (monetary policy) – the prevailing orthodoxy prior to that point was the Treasury view that government action could not change the level of unemployment. A central aspect of the Keynesian revolution was a change in theory concerning the factors determining employment levels in the overall economy. The revolution was set against the orthodox classical economic framework, and its successor, neoclassical economics, which based on Says Law argued that unless special conditions prevailed the free market would naturally establish full employment equilibrium with no need for government intervention. This view held that employers will be able to make a profit by employing all available workers as long as workers drop their wages below the value of the total Show MoreRelatedThe Inflation Definition And Influences Essay1649 Words   |  7 Pagesmeans the purchase of money is persistent declining (James and Charles 1975). And this is generally considered as the result of the amount of money in circulation more than the actual needs of the economy. It will directly leads to the devaluation of paper money. If the income of residents do not change, then the living standard of citizens will dropped, which might result in the social and economic disorder and can negatively impact the development of the economy. However, within a certain period ofRead MoreThe Inflation Definition And Influences Essay1652 Words   |  7 Pagesmeans the purchase of money is persistent declining (James and Charles 1975). And this is generally considered as the result of the amount of money in circulation more than the actual needs of the economy. It will directly leads to the devaluation of paper money. If the income of residents do not change, then the living s tandard of citizens will dropped, which might result in the social and economic disorder and can negatively impact the development of the economy. However, within a certain period ofRead MoreThe Inflation Definition And Influences1646 Words   |  7 Pagesmeans the purchase of money is persistent declining (James and Charles 1975). And this is generally considered as the result of the amount of money in circulation more than the actual needs of the economy. It will directly leads to the devaluation of paper money. If the income of residents do not change, then the living standard of citizens will dropped, which might result in the social and economic disorder and can negatively impact the development of the economy. However, within a certain period ofRead MoreFiscal Policy of Spain7405 Words   |  30 PagesFELIPE SERRANO The Spanish fiscal policy during the recent â€Å"great recession† Abstract: This paper examines the fiscal strategy followed by the Spanish government in order to stop the fall of aggregate demand induced by the financial crisis. The Spanish economy provides the best example among the countries of the European Monetary Union of the contradictions between the discretionary fiscal policy in the crisis and the fiscal rules. The intensity of the crisis and some initial badly designed fiscalRead MoreThe Main Features Of The Welfare State1638 Words   |  7 PagesWelfare State from 1945 to 1970, analysing how effective they were at combating the ‘five giants’. The Second World War had a large effect on society. The whole nation had experienced such a terrible and traumatic time. There seemed to be a shift in public and political aspirations and a strong sense of solidarity. (Giddens and Sutton, 2013) Many men and women had volunteered their time during the war and it was the general consensus that these individuals should have something that was worth fightingRead MoreFinancialization Essay7910 Words   |  32 PagesWorking Paper No. 525 Financialization: What It Is and Why It Matters* by Thomas I. Palley The Levy Economics Institute and Economics for Democratic and Open Societies Washington, D.C. December 2007 Paper presented at a conference on â€Å"Finance-led Capitalism? Macroeconomic Effects of Changes in the Financial Sector,† sponsored by the Hans Boeckler Foundation and held in Berlin, Germany, October 26–27, 2007. My thanks to conference participants for their valuable suggestions. All errorsRead MoreImproving Public Infrastructure : A Study Of Guyana9265 Words   |  38 Pages Using PPP Model to improve public infrastructure: A study of Guyana Foreign Direct Investment and Private Investments need adequate public infrastructure; which can be facilitated through greater Public Private Partnership within Guyana. If only we knew more about the determinants of investment! But, unfortunately, our knowledge in this direction is still very meager. One might well ask, what is wrong with the theory of investment? Or, perhaps, what is wrong with the subject matter itself! ForRead MoreIndian Fiscal Policy Impacts9621 Words   |  39 PagesLOVELY PROFESSIONAL UNIVERSITY Term Paper School of Business Department of Management Name of the Student: Azhar Shokin Regd. No.: - 11000968 Course Code: MGT511 Course Title: Business Environment Course Instructor: Vishwas Chakranarayan Course Tutor: Vishwas Chakranarayan Class: MBA Semester: 1st Section: S1001 Batch 2010-12 Student’s Signature Azhar Shokin Topic: - Impact of Fiscal Policy on Indian Economy Contents * IntroductionRead MoreImproving Public Infrastructure : A Study Of Guyana Essay9286 Words   |  38 Pages Using PPP Model to improve public infrastructure: A study of Guyana Foreign Direct Investment and Private Investments need adequate public infrastructure; which can be facilitated through greater Public Private Partnership within Guyana. If only we knew more about the determinants of investment! But, unfortunately, our knowledge in this direction is still very meager. One might well ask, what is wrong with the theory of investmentRead MoreHistory of Fiscal Administration and the Theory and Purpose of Taxation3004 Words   |  13 Pagesaccording to, fiscal administration is the act of managing incoming and outgoing monetary transactions and budgets for governments, educational institutions,  nonprofit  organizations, and other public service entities. Constituents charge leaders, whether governmental or organizational, with establishing  fiscal policy  as part of their duties in relation to responsible fiscal administration. Fiscal policies are tools for the development of  fiscal

Saturday, May 16, 2020

Fordham University Acceptance Rate, SAT/ACT Scores, GPA

Fordham University is a private Jesuit research university with an acceptance rate of 46%. The main campus in the Bronx is adjacent to the Bronx Zoo and the New York Botanical Garden. Fordham University has a 15-to-1  student/faculty ratio  and an average class size of 22. For its strengths in the liberal arts and sciences, the university was awarded a chapter of  Phi Beta Kappa. The most popular undergraduate majors at Fordham are business administration, finance, and public accounting.  In athletics, the Fordham Rams compete in the NCAA Division I  Atlantic 10 Conference  except for the football team which competes in the  Patriot League. Fordham offers both Early Decision and Early Action admissions options. If the university is definitely your first-choice school, Early Decision is an excellent way to demonstrate your interest and improve your chances of getting in. Considering applying to Fordham? Here are the admissions statistics you should know, including average SAT/ACT scores and GPAs of admitted students. Acceptance Rate During the 2017-18 admissions cycle, Fordham University had an acceptance rate of 46%. This means that for every 100 students who applied, 46 students were admitted, making Fordhams admissions process competitive. Admissions Statistics (2017-18) Number of Applicants 46,164 Percent Admitted 46% Percent Admitted Who Enrolled (Yield) 10.7% SAT Scores and Requirements Fordham requires that all applicants submit either SAT or ACT scores. During the 2016-17 admissions cycle, 63% of admitted students submitted SAT scores. SAT Range (Admitted Students) Section 25th Percentile 75th Percentile ERW 620 700 Math 610 710 ERW=Evidence-Based Reading and Writing This admissions data tells us that most of Fordhams admitted students fall within the top 20% nationally on the SAT. For the evidence-based reading and writing section, 50% of students admitted to Fordham University scored between 620 and 700, while 25% scored below 620 and 25% scored above 700. On the math section, 50% of admitted students scored between 610 and 710, while 25% scored below 610 and 25% scored above 710. Applicants with a composite SAT score of 1410 or higher will have particularly competitive chances at Fordham. Requirements Fordham University does not require the SAT writing section. Note that Fordham participates in the scorechoice program, which means that the admissions office will consider your highest score from each individual section across all SAT test dates. Fordham does not require SAT Subject tests but will consider the scores if submitted. ACT Scores and Requirements Fordham University requires that all applicants submit either SAT or ACT scores. During the 2016-17 admissions cycle, 49% of admitted students submitted ACT scores. ACT Range (Admitted Students) Section 25th Percentile 75th Percentile English 27 34 Math 26 30 Composite 27 31 This admissions data tells us that most of Fordhams admitted students fall within the top 14% nationally on the ACT. The middle 50% of students admitted to Fordham received a composite ACT score between 27 and 31, while 25% scored above 31 and 25% scored below 27. Requirements Fordham University does not require the ACT writing section. Unlike many universities, Fordham superscores ACT results; your highest subscores from multiple ACT sittings will be considered. GPA In 2018, the average high school GPA for incoming Fordham freshman was 3.70. These results suggest that most successful applicants to Fordham University have primarily A and B grades. Self-Reported GPA/SAT/ACT Graph Fordham University Applicants Self-Reported GPA/SAT/ACT Graph. Data courtesy of Cappex. The admissions data in the graph is self-reported by applicants to Fordham University. GPAs are unweighted. Find out how you compare to accepted students, see the real-time graph, and calculate your chances of getting in  with a free Cappex account. Admissions Chances Fordham University, which accepts fewer than half of applicants, has a selective admissions process. However, Fordham has a holistic admissions process involving other factors beyond your grades and test scores. A strong application essay and glowing letters of recommendation can strengthen your application, as can participation in meaningful extracurricular activities and a rigorous course schedule. Students with particularly compelling stories or achievements can still receive serious consideration even if their test scores are outside of Fordhams average range. In the graph above, the blue and green dots represent accepted students. You can see that the majority of successful applicants had high school GPAs of A- or higher, combined SAT scores of 1200 or higher (ERWM), and ACT composite scores of 25 or better. Chances are best for students with A averages and SAT scores of 1300 or higher. Many students with grades and test scores that were on target for Fordham University did not get in. On the flip side, note that a few students were accepted with test scores and grades a little bit below the norm. This is because Fordhams admissions process is based on more than numerical data. All admissions data has been sourced from the National Center for Education Statistics and Fordham University Undergraduate Admissions Office.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

A Critical Evaluation of the Engagement and Psychosocial...

INTRODUCTION This assignment is a critical evaluation of the engagement and psychosocial assessment of a client living with psychosis in the community. It provides a critical and analytical account which encapsulates assessments, psycho education, problem solving, implementation and evaluation of strategies used. I will also use Gibbs (1988) model of reflection to reflect on my assessment process and how learning can be taken forward in terms of my own practice development and that of the service setting. My client l shall call Emily a pseudo name used to maintain confidentiality in accordance with the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) 2002 Code of Professional Conduct that outlines†¦show more content†¦I met with Emily to set the agenda and explained to her that she was free to terminate the session anytime should she feel it necessary. It was also vital to ensure that the sessions were neither confrontational and totally compliant with Emily’s view of the world ( Kingdom amp; Turkington, 1995) I encouraged Emily to describe her current problems and to give a detailed description of the problems and concentrate on a more recent problem. l was directive, active, friendly and used constructive feedback, containment of feelings to develop the relationship(Tarrier et al,1998).l used her interest in Christianity to engage her and because l showed an interest this became a regular point of conversation and strengthened the connection. I also demonstrated some flexibility in response to Emily’s needs and requirements at different stages of the treatment and intervention. It is not possible to maintain a sound collaborative therapeutic relationship without constant attention to the changing situation and requirements of a patient (Gamble and Brennan, 2006). Since the development of antipsychotic medication and dominance of biomedical models during the 1950`s mental health care has changed and evolved. The dependency on the sole use of medication was found to have left patients with residual symptoms and social disability, including difficulty with interpersonal skills and limitation with coping

Analysis Of Homer s The Iliad - 1352 Words

Throughout history, men have been traditionally viewed as superior since the beginning of time. Although, throughout this time, women have held many different roles in society. In the Iliad, Homer portrayed the role of women in his time as having a very suppressive role. Women during this period of time and especially in this culture are treated primarily as merely property and were used for producing material within the household. Women were often taken and given as if they were material belongings, due to their lack of choice and their unfortunate circumstances. However, apart from portraying women as pieces of property, Homer depicts in his Iliad that women are sometimes conceived and introduced as suppliants to their masculine heroines. Homer depicts them as being inferior beings to men both intellectually and physically. Throughout Homer’s masterpiece Iliad, women play an important but very modest role that entails their relative significance and the impact they partially have on some of the affairs that take place. The Iliad began with an argument, which is for lack of better terms, a fight over a girl, between Achilles and Agamemnon over Briseis, who was considered to them a war prize. During that time one of the biggest advantages of the Greek army raiding a Trojan allied town was that were able to ‘loot’ from the town afterwards. They brought back the spoils of the town and whatever they desired and divided them equally amongst the warriors. Agamemnon’s price wasShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of Homer s The Iliad Essay1231 Words   |  5 Pagesthe Iliad is a tale of war and aggression (Puchner 183). Written in the 8th century, it remains relevant to society today. The basis of the Iliad, warfare, brings with it portrayals of death, grief, and the real problem with humankind: we are not peaceful beings. In a war-ridden world, these topics remain pertinent to society. These terrors of war showcased in the Iliad generate an anti-war message. With this said, Homer creates a timel ess lesson against war with his work. While the Iliad has beenRead MoreAnalysis Of Homer s The Iliad997 Words   |  4 Pagesare set up in a way such that the audience must believe at least one party loves another. How they act on behalf of this love is perhaps a testimony to the strength of their love and heroic status. Taking this structure at face value, in Homer’s The Iliad, Hector shows the most modern form of heroism in Book Six. He chooses to fight rather than see his loved wife fall to the Achaeans, while others throughout the story view their women as prizes and choose to fight- or not- based on very different values;Read MoreAnalysis Of The Homer s The Iliad Essay1010 Words   |  5 PagesPoor leadership is devastating in The Iliad.. Homer recognizes this, making a particular effort to demonstrate what traits constitute effective leadership. It is crucial, therefore, to determine exactly how Homer presents this idea in order to gain a coherent understanding of his beliefs. With Homer’s convic tions in mind, the individual gifts of these war leaders shine rather brightly. One can then begin to analyze them, deciding for oneself who fits Homer’s ideas the best. Assuredly, each of theRead MoreAnalysis Of Homer s The Iliad 1310 Words   |  6 Pagesunity in his tale. Homer was a writer who performed this feat throughout the entirety of the Iliad and showed his unique ability to weave a tale full of similes that both enhanced and unified his story. Although Homer used a variety of subjects in his similes, and many of them had a common thread. Homer’s unique ability was to create a tale so descriptive that the listener was able to fully immerse him or herself into the story. His usage of similes magnified this ability. Homer focused on the commonRead MoreAnalysis Of Homer s The Iliad887 Words   |  4 PagesIn Homer’s the Iliad there are two types of culture which are shame and honor. The Greeks rank great significance on personal honor. Why is tha t? The reason being is that to them honor means the ability to fight and be triumphant on the battle field. There are many ways honor is obtained to the Greeks, another way to prove your honor is to reveal athletic abilities. Meanwhile, the shame culture has a different concept to the Greeks. Shame meant to have good morals towards others and it is a moreRead MoreAnalysis Of Homer s The Iliad866 Words   |  4 PagesIn Homer’s The Iliad, women can often be overshadowed by the strong male warriors that dominate the epic poem. However, many women in The Iliad are central to the plot; without these women the poem would have a drastically different story. The influence of women in The Iliad varies from woman to woman, usually having some effect on the plot, but the extent of their involvement is typically dependent on their status in society. However, even when a woman is in a position of great power, she is stillRead MoreAnalysis Of Homer s Iliad 1382 Words   |  6 PagesRy an Doerhoff History of Greece Dr. Kirkland September 5, 2014 Document Analysis The primary documents that will be focused on in this analysis come from Homer’s Iliad. Homer is venerated today as the greatest of Greek epic poets, as his works had a colossal impact on the history of literature. Through his epics, Homer brings us first hand into the culture of the Greek world in the eighth century B.C. It is important to note that at this time very few had the privilege of an education, and lackedRead MoreAnalysis Of Homer s The Iliad 1177 Words   |  5 Pagesto the powerful, hardheaded fighters that generally appear in The Iliad. His purpose in The Iliad is to demonstrate, through tact and strategic ability, that strength and brawn isn’t all that compose a hero. Odysseus, the great tactician, isn’t known as the brawn, but the brain of the Achaian army. When compared with Menelaos, â€Å"Menelaos was bigger by his broad shoulders, but Odysseus was the more lordly† (III, 210). Here, Homer is intentionally lessening Odysseus’ physical prowess to uphold hisRead MoreAnalysis Of Homer s The Iliad Essay1692 Words   |  7 PagesA major theme seen in Homer’s The Iliad is one of war and the politics that play a role in it. A key part of politics is the interactions that take place between people when determining policies and courses of action. The focus of this paper will be on the interactions between the Greek leaders and the army in the opening of book 2. There will be a section where I will analyze these interactions and provide evidence showing what degree I believe the Greek leaders care about their army. The way thatRead MoreAnalysis Of Homer s The Iliad993 Words   |  4 Pages In Homer’s The Iliad, we learn that the mother and father relationships within the family is very important, but we don’t want to overlook the brothers. For instance, in the Greek and Trojan families, it was one way to bring everyone together. The brotherhood of Agamemnon and Menelaus, and Hector and Paris illustrates their devotion. Book Six of The Iliad comprehends several illustrations of how honor strengthens the bond between both brother’s Agamemnon and Menelaus and Hector and Paris. Glory

Reason, perception, emotion and language are all ways of knowing Essay Example For Students

Reason, perception, emotion and language are all ways of knowing Essay Reason, perception, emotion and language are all ways of knowing1. Reason is defined as formal logic or knowledge that is gained through rationalism. Perception is an empirical inquiry gained through experience. Emotion is a normative judgement that while language is comprehensive rationality. Different ways of knowing affect different areas of knowledge, which are Mathematics, Human Sciences, Natural Sciences, Ethics, History and the Arts. Both are closely linked with one another. For example, reasoning is the principle theory behind math, affecting the way in which one uses logic to reach answers in Mathematics. Hence, if one does not understand the Mathematical problem, one will not be able to solve it. Similarly, emotion is needed when painting on canvas or writing the lyrics to a song as it involves the expression of ones feelings. Perception is often necessary as well because an artist uses his past experiences and forms his own ideas by observing his surroundings. Before we can evaluate the ways in which emotion enhances or undermines reasoning, we must have a clear definition of an emotion. An emotion is a cognitive and/or a physiological response to a perceived stimulus while reason is any kind of cognitive activity2. There are a few problems in the analysis of an emotion. One of them is the fact that we cannot be definite as to what counts as an emotion. While certain passions are considered emotions, it is difficult to define what constitutes an emotion because there are feelings, like moods, which are long-term and do not fit into the usual violent passion definition of an emotion. Emotions can also be viewed as both rational and irrational because they usually involve both logic ability and personal beliefs. Another problem is that it is difficult to tell whether we control our emotions or whether our emotions control us. Hence, whether an emotion undermines or enhances reasoning as a way of knowing is debatable, but I believe that it un dermines reasoning more that it enhances it. There are two theories of emotion that oppose each other: The James-Lange theory, and Schatchers Cognitive theory3. The first theory, the James-Lange theory, states that for an emotion, the body must first respond, and then one feels the emotion4. The two men who came up with this theory claimed that when we see a snake, our bodies first respond, we run and only then do we feel an emotion because the body has been aroused. They arrived at this theory because they believed that just thinking about or seeing a snake has no real effect until after the body has responded. Hence the physical feelings are the emotions. James argued that the feel of an emotion which, for him, equals the emotion itself is only the perception of danger without the actual feeling of fear5. Due to the fact that the emotion is produced without cognitive reasoning but physiological responses, we can conclude that emotion can exist purely on its own without reason, hence undermining it. The second theory, the Cannon-Bard theory, states that the bodily reaction and the emotional response to an event occur at the same time6. This theory came about after the discovery of the thalamus as a physical unit of the brain that can instantly transmit messages. The theory claimed that when an emergency is perceived, both the bodily reaction and the emotional system respond at the same time. Since we react by instinct, reasoning is not enhanced by emotion for there is no time for the mind to rationalize. Both of these theories claim that emotions are immediate reflex responses to situations without the conscious cognitive interpretation of the emotional context. Here, emotion stands opposed to reason, since we have already established reason to be any kind of cognitive activity. Perception of Women in the Renaissance EssayCognition is closely involved with the emotions we feel. When a certain group of people are led to believe that they will experience pain in an experiment, they will be more anxious than members of another group who are told they will be unharmed. When the first group receives a minor shock, they will overestimate how painful it really is because they expect and believe that they will be hurt. This shows that the mind plays a crucial part in a persons emotion. Physiological arousal and an awareness and interpretation of ones situation are both imperative to emotion. Without any symbolic thought processes, no physiological disturbance will occur and be labelled an emotion12. For example, meeting someone with a sharp knife in a dark alley at the stroke of midnight may cause physiological responses such as an increased heart rate and perspiration. However, it is only through the cognitive interpretation of the situations implications that one experiences fear itself. This enhances reasoning, as one must know that a knife can kill and a man loitering in a dark alley at midnight can harm someone in order to feel the emotion of fear. Although emotions are sometimes shown to involve cognition, most of time, they cloud our minds and block us from thinking rationally. As seen in Shakespeares Romeo and Juliet, Romeos spleen at that very moment causes him to lose control of his own actions. The soldiers patriotism causes him to fight till the end for his country and his people. Reasoning only comes to play a part when we use our minds to label what we are feeling and why we feel that way based on past experiences. Hence, our actions, done mostly in the heat of the moment, do not show any rationalization or formal logic until after it is carried out. This shows that emotions undermine reasoning more often than it enhances it.

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Management Analysis of DU Limited Samples †

Question: Discuss about the Management Analysis of DU Limited. Answer: Management and Organization DU Emirates Integrated Telecommunications Group DU Emirates Integrated Telecommunications Group is a company offering mobile, fixed telephone and broadband services. The organizations operations are based in the United Arab Emirates. The company began the telecommunications business in 2007. The company has a flat organizational structure and there are different managerial functions. The role that will be reviewed is that of the chief human resources and administration manager. Functions and Roles of Chief HR and Administration Manager Establishment and implementation of HR efforts that communicate and support the mission and vision of DU Development of HR plans and strategies to support business objectives of DU Strategic business partner that advises the board of DU on HR matters. Ensure there is a solid succession andtalent management plan Strategic human resource planning for the organization Ensure staff recruitment and policy is done as per HR policies Steer training and development plans for the organization. Development of compensation and benefit plans for DY Formulation of HR Policies and procedures Ensure that government labour laws are followed Steerperformance management for all employees Coordinate relationships between the organization and staff unions Overall leadership and guidance to the HR department in DU (Roth,2014) Managerial Levels and Skills of Chief HR and Administration Manager Managerial Level Senior Management Education and Experience A Human Resources or Business Administration degree from an accredited institution. MBA in Human Resources or any related field Minimum 15 years experience, with five years of executive HR experience Membership and Certified Professional in a Human Resource Body (Mills et al,2015) Competencies Business Savvy Integrity Relationship Management Skills Leadership Expert in HR Matters Diversity Awareness Critical Evaluation Skills Great in Consultation Superb Communication Skills Challenges Faced by Chief HR and Administration Manager Change Management The manager faces challenges when the organization has to change a strategy and not all employees understand its importance (Galvin, 2014). Getting the whole organization to embrace change management can be quite a challenge Leadership Development Identification of employees who can be potential leaders can be a challenge. It is sometimes difficult to identify talent in an organization like DU with over 2000 employees. Sometimes the direct supervisors do not encourage their employees to develop hence it may take a while before some talent is discovered. Performance Appraisals-Performance appraisals become challenging especially when employees are rated as non-performing yet they feel that they are performing (Locke, 2015). It becomes a challenge as many issues come out during appraisals and some managers use it as a tool of punishing their staff. Health and Welfare Healthcare is quite expensive hence; it may be a challenge to cover employees under very high limits due to other organizational costs incurred by DU. The Chief HR Manager therefore finds it challenging to get a package that covers employees well but at a cost-effective rate. How Organizational Behavior at DU Supports Employee Development Employee Mentoring- DU, through its Chief HR Manager has a mentorship program where employees are mentored by their supervisors and also given a chance to learn other departments. This has led to high staff motivation within the company. Training and Development Training and development is given emphasis. Employees are constantly trained so that they are up to date with latest industry happenings and trends (Locke, 2015). This has led to highly knowledgeable employees in the company. Open Door Policy The Company has developed a culture of open door policy (Galvin, 2014). This has brought about openness, which has led to a positive work environment within the organization. References Galvin, P. (2014). A new vision for the Journal of Management Organization: The role of context.Journal of Management and Organization,20(1), 1. Locke, K. (2015). Pragmatic reflections on a conversation about grounded theory in management and organization studies.Organizational Research Methods,18(4), 612-619. Mills, A. J., Weatherbee, T. G., Foster, J., Helms Mills, J. (2015). The New Deal, history, and management organization studies: Lessons, insights and reflections.Routledge Companion to Management Organizational History, Routledge, London, 265-284. Roth, S. (2014). The multifunctional organization: Two cases for a critical update for research programs in management and organization.

Thursday, April 16, 2020

magic test Review Essay Example

magic test Review Paper Essay on magic test As usual, a review was originally written in English audiobook. This is not the first time have seen situations where an exceptionally elegant first book the second with the author that something happens. Sometimes they begin to stretch until the end of the series, sometimes vigorously pulled up to the first level, but something was missing. Whether the spark is not the same, whether there is a fear to leave the wrong way. I would not say that what happened with Mary Snyder is very critical for the target audience of her books, but personally I was a little sad The Magic Study our Elena goes to the neighboring country -. Sitia unrestrained and magical, full of contrast Ixia. Concurrently, it is her home country where she finally finds a family, learn to control their abilities and generally learn a lot about yourself. Well, a good adventure fantasy to travel the jungles, steppes, fights, intrigue and magic (as of the writing of this sentence I carefully forgot his love for Jordan, Sapkowski and Martin, yes: D). We will write a custom essay sample on magic test Review specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on magic test Review specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on magic test Review specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer So now claims if the Poison Study on merisyuizm Elena was still possible to turn a blind eye, here he comes to some completely impossible heights (Bell, Claire, and even rose from the vampire Academy nervously smoking in aside). And, apparently, it is not going to stop. In this situation, it is not clear why our heroine all the other characters but in general, the author believes that we need. And who am I to argue with the author. And of all these characters offensive just Valek, which was lowered to love rags and rare, almost remote, wand sticks. Yes, my buhtenie boils down to the fact that Poison Study was better. The intrigue of the story is stronger, the characters interesting, voltage demolition of the roof On the second is the book just want to forget However, a series of reading, I still continued, because you can not throw Valek

Friday, March 13, 2020

Medievil Times essays

Medievil Times essays What was Medieval life like? The medieval times were very difficult, with many diseases, atrocious food and was nothing like our society today. Medieval times are especially famous because of wars fought with swords, bows and arrows, and also because of Christianitys corruption and things like the forms of government and types of protection offered. Times werent favorable in this era, but there were definitely some bright moments in the process. Shrek 2 shows off many aspects of the Middle Ages, in an witty, modern day fashion. Shrek and Fiona set the stage as two newlywed ogres in a fairytale styled world, adjusting to their new lifestyle with their loveable pal, Donkey. Conflict occurs, however, when Shrek and Fiona go to visit Fionas parents back at the castle. Princess Fiona, daughter of the king and queen of Far, Far Away, was struck by a terrible curse long ago nightly, she would turn into an ogre, while at the beginning of each day, returning to her normal, humanlike form. To break the spell, Fiona would have to meet the man of her dreams to kiss her at midnight so she could become her beautiful self forever. Fiona, however, chose to permanently be an ogre to more comfortably spend her life with Shrek. Her parents are appalled seeing her daughter as an ogre but disgusted seeing the man of her dreams as an ogre as well. The king of Far, Far Away, also known as Fionas father, will stop at nothing to get this ogre away from her daughter so she can marry a real prince to rid her of this spell. Afte r mutual brutal behavior between the two men, the king sets Shrek into a deadly trap by pretending to be on good terms with him. From there, Shrek, Donkey and their new feline friend go on a quest so that Shrek can fit the needs of Fiona and her family only to discover that him being who he was is the only thing Fiona wanted of him. Feudalism was an important aspect of this era. It ...

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Enzyme Amylase Lab Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Enzyme Amylase - Lab Report Example An enzyme is a protein-based catalyst that raises the reaction rate of a reaction by lowering the activation energy needed for that reaction. It is not used up in the process. It is hypothesized that the enzyme activity changes when various parameters such as temperature, pH and the concentration of the enzyme are changed. Materials: The materials used were: 400 mL beakers, thermometers, hot plate, ice, 1% starch solution, 2 grams of soluble starch, iodine in dropper bottles, buffer solutions with pH levels of 4, 7 and 10, well (spot) plate labeled 1, 2, 3 and 4, saliva (amylase) solution, test tube rack, test tubes, droppers, a 10 mL graduated cylinder and water squirters. Method: a) Reference color A few drops of 1% starch solution were placed on a spot plate. One drop of iodine was added to the spot. The color that formed was taken to be the reference color. b) Effect of concentration. A 400 mL beaker was half-filled with water and then warmed to 37?C. The temperature was kept con stant at 37?C. Saliva was collected in a disposable tube. 4 mL of 1% starch solution was placed in a test tube. This tube was placed in the water bath for five minutes. In spot plate 1, no spit was added, in plate 2, one drop of saliva was added, in plate 3, three drops of saliva were added and in plate 4, five drops of saliva were added. Eight drops of 1% starch solution were then added to each well plate. ... The plate was then rinsed with water and the test repeated twice after intervals of 5 and 10 minutes. After each test, the observations made were recorded. A graph of the enzyme activity against the amount of amylase at 10 minutes was then plotted. c) Effect of temperature. 1 mL of 1% starch solution was placed in two test tubes. One of these tubes was placed in a water bath with boiling water and the other in an ice bath. 1 mL of the 1% starch solution used in method a) above was placed in a test tube. This test tube was then placed in a water bath with a temperature of 37?C. The three tubes were left in the baths for 10 minutes. The temperatures of the baths were then recorded. Two drops of saliva were placed in 3 well plates and then one drop of iodine added to each plate. Four drops of the 1% starch solution in the test tube contained in the ice bath were added to one spot, another four drops of the starch solution in the test tube contained in the water bath at 37?C were added t o the second spot, and finally four drops of the starch solution in the test tube contained in the water bath with boiling water were added to the third spot. The observations made were recorded and a graph of enzyme activity against temperature plotted. d) Effect of pH 2 mL of each of the three buffer solutions (with pH levels of 4, 7 and 10) was placed in separate test tubes. 2 mL of 1% starch solution was then placed in three other test tubes. All the test tubes were then placed in a water bath with a temperature of 37?C for five minutes. The three 1% starch solutions were then poured into three buffer solutions and then mixed thoroughly. The test tubes with the mixtures were then returned to the water bath. Three drops of spit were placed in three spot plates. Using clean droppers,

Sunday, February 9, 2020

Compare the food with The book Omnivore's Dilemma Research Paper

Compare the food with The book Omnivore's Dilemma - Research Paper Example However, most health experts have warned against eating processed food. This is due to the health risks associated with processed food. For instance, most Americans are over obsessed with eating fast foods such as humbugger prepared in famous restaurants such as McDonalds. Before the humbugger comes to the table, it undergoes processing and the addition of food preservatives which health experts say is not good for human health. William Pollan in his book, The Omnivore’s Dilemma, exposed to people the health risk they are exposing themselves to by eating American foods, which he says are full of chemicals. Pollan claims that most foods that Americans eat today be it meat, eggs, chicken, or milk comes from corn. According to Pollan, chicken, cows, fish, and turkey are all fed on corn (Pollan 4). However, his main concern is that the corn has certain ingredients that expose people to health risks. Some of the ingredients that come from corn include riglycerides, lecithin, the ci tric acid, and the mono-, the coloring and raspberry flavor. These ingredients are harmful to human health. In fact, some authors have claimed that the increased cases of chronic diseases such as heart attacks, cancer, diabetes, and obesity are attributable to the unhealthy foods that Americans eat, in the form of processed foods. ... Kenner begins by moving into various slaughterhouses and factory farms. While in a factory farm, he is amazed to observe how chickens are conditioned and fed on chemicals that make them grow too fast to move properly (Food Inc.). In another farm, he observes how cows are fed on toxic chemicals after which their products, such as meat and milk, are sneaked into the market by illegal immigrants, at an affordable cost. The filmmaker’s main concern is that Americans eat these unhealthy foods daily without knowing the health risks that they are exposing themselves to. Kenner concurs with Pollan’s observation that the rising cases of chronic diseases, such as heart diseases, cancer, diabetes, and obesity are largely to blame on the toxic chemicals that people eat in the processed foods and products from animals fed on toxic chemical substances. Industrial food is not only an American food as other countries, like China, are also increasingly becoming over obsessed with indust rial foods. According to the Eurominitor, a leading research firm in Europe, China will soon surpass America in terms of the consumption of industrial foods (Holt par. 1). In fact, the research firm predicts that China will become the number one consumer of processed foods by the year 2015. The Euromonitor states that China could consume as much as 107 million tons of processed foods compared to the 102 million tons consumed by the U.S. In fact, eating packed food is increasingly becoming a norm in the U.S. Holt noted that most Chinese foods come from animals fed on chemicals that make them grow and fasten too fast (par. 3). Since China has no any environmental

Thursday, January 30, 2020

Euthyphro & Classics of Philosophy Essay Example for Free

Euthyphro Classics of Philosophy Essay In its simplest term, the divine command theory holds that given that god exists; an act is good only because God commands it. In other words, anything that is not approved of by God cannot be considered to be good. A major problem associated with this view is raised in Euthyphro. The Euthyphro argues that the gods command things because they are good rather than that they are good because they command it. Seen from another angle, the goodness of things precedes Gods command. However, considering the polytheistic nature of the society that Socrates and Euthyphro lived in, the conception that what is good is only good because gods command it may be challenged by holing that the gods may have differences in opinion especially with regard to issues of morality. As such, what may be dear to one god may not necessarily be dear to another. As such, one action may be both pious and impious. The divine command theorists hold that the source of all moral value is the will of God (Hall et al). Whatever is willed by God is morally good or obligatory and whatever he forbids is morally evil. With this regard, murder, theft and adultery are morally wrong because, and only because they are forbidden by God. On the other hand, justice and mercy are morally good only because they are approved by God. The majority of divine command theorists hold that there is no intrinsic Good. Whatever is done and willed by God is good and whatever opposes the will of God is bad. As such, the good has its foundation and existence solely in Gods will. Indeed, it can be conceived that God can alter his mind and command murder. This is especially seen in the scriptures when he commanded Abraham to kill his son. He can also forbid acts of clemency. Simply by an act of will, God can change virtue into vice and vice into virtue. The divine command theory is first broached as a philosophical theory in Euthyphro. Euthyphro and Socrates are attempting to define holiness with Euthyphro proposing a definition that holiness is whatever is loved by the gods. According to Socrates, this definition is ambiguous in the sense that it does not offer any clear comprehension of whether something is holy simply because it is loved by the gods or whether its loved by the gods because it is already holy. By making a generalization from the case of holiness, it can be said that either something is morally good or right because God commands it to be so or that God commands it because it is morally good or right to begin with (Pojman, 2002). In other words, either moral value depends on the will of god or the will of god depends on moral value. In Euthyphro, the two options are dramatically presented. That is, either the source of value depends on the divine will or elsewhere. Both Socrates and Euthyphro agree that it lies elsewhere and therefore reject the divine command theory. They however do not explain where it rests. Platos view is right considering his god-independent Form of the Good. However, the argument in Euthyphro can be hardly applied to the Christian God. Platos argument, as taken by Leibniz and other philosophers may be seen in the following context; that â€Å"honoring ones parents is good because God has commanded it† implies the counterfactual that if God commanded other things, those other things would be good. God, by the theory, could have commanded those other things considering how powerful He is. According to the divine command theory, therefore, if God had commanded that one should dishonor his parents, then dishonoring parents would be obligatory instead of forbidden (Wilkens, 1995). This is however absurd. The divine command theory is thus committed to counterfactuals about what would have been good that are patently false. The implication is that, even though God commanded the good, this is only so because it is good and not that it is good because He commanded it. The dilemma in the question of whether what is holy is holy because the gods approve of it, or approve of it because it is holy can only be clearer if the polytheistic assumptions are eliminated and the term â€Å"holy† is replaced with â€Å"right†. If the question is restructured, it will appear as follows: does God command us to do what is right because it is right or something is right because God commands it? The question presents two possibilities. First, God’s commands can be conceived of to be right-indicating or pointing towards rightness. Second, it can be conceived of to be right-making or creating rightness. This question is whether God is viewed as a Supreme Court justice or a legislator. The justice comprehends the statutes and can therefore suggest what should be done for one to stay within the boundaries of the law. However, the law itself is independent of the justice. The legislator on the other hand does not just interpret but also creates law. Until the lawmaker legislates, the law is not in existence. The question thus is; which gives a better conception of God? Voluntarists see God as a legislator since they emphasize on His freedom, will and sovereignty. As such, God is not bounded to the dictates of some standard that He did not create. Instead, right is right because God legislates it. The declaration of God that particular actions are good is right making. This view of God as a legislator evades restricting His freedom and power. However, this may create another problem. If God is so radically free and powerful, could he create a world in which torture is good? If His saying so makes it right and there are no limitations on God, could he decide that rape is virtuous? Affirming this option is frightening since there is a natural inclination to believe that a command that we ought to rape would be morally repugnant, even if it emanated from God (Ross Stratton-Lake 2002). However, there is need to notice its implication. It assumes a standard of goodness that is independent of God. Otherwise we would not have at our disposal anything by which to measure the commands of God. With this regard, a conclusion can be derived that the gods approve of holy (right or goodness) because it is holy (right or good). Holiness is an objective feature of the world and as such, the moral order is just as a fundamental nature of the universe as the spatial or numeric structure of the universe. Our moral attitudes do not make actions good or right. Rather, they are responses to rightness or goodness. What makes our belief that something is good is the property or objective characteristic of being good that it possess. If one defines holiness as meaning what is approved by the gods, one is putting forward a naturalistic definition. If one however defines it as such that it ought to be desired, one is putting forward a non-naturalistic definition. However, both the definitions show that what is good is intrinsic as opposed to what the divine command theorists attempt to postulate. Holiness, goodness or rightness refer to a property or a quality of something and thus, this quality or property cannot be decided by the goods but rather exist independently of the will of the gods. However, there comes a challenge when they refer to a relational property rather than the intrinsic property of the things of which it is predicated. This is the major challenge not only to the divine command theorists but also to Euthyphro. References Plato, Euthyphro Pojman, L. (2002). Classics of Philosophy. Oxford University Press Ross, W. Stratton-Lake, P. (2002). The Right and the Good. Oxford University Press Wilkens, S. (1995). Beyond bumper sticker ethics: an introduction to theories of right wrong. InterVarsity Press

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

No School Should Usurp the Rights of Any Student Essays -- Teaching Ed

No School Should Usurp the Rights of Any Student   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Children are forced to go to school. This has been the way for a long time. School is a place where students go to learn a curriculum given by government officials. They are not there to get their rights taken away from them. Although teachers have power, they cannot stop students from hearing the issues, speaking without censorship, or knowing their rights.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Students are living, breathing human beings. We go to school to learn about and succeed in the outside world. Government officials are to teach us these things and see how well we learn them. We are curious creatures. We need to know everything or else we will rebel. Teachers should tell us both parts of a certain subject to allow objectivity in our minds. If we hear only one side of a controversial issue we tend to assert ourselves with the only point of view. We may also find out information on our own that is bad and believe what we find out. Teachers are here to guide us to the correct information. If a teacher takes a side he/she may tell us only the negative points to his opposing side. He/she may, also, just tell us good points about his side. Either way, he/she gives us a one sided perception. We need to hear both sides in order to make up our own minds.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Many believe that teachers have more power than students. This is a weak argument because teachers cannot remove rights of students. The Supreme Court stated this: â€Å"It can hardly be argued that either students or teachers shed their constitutional rights to freedom of speech or expression at the school house gate† (Tinker vs. Des Moines Independent School District). Therefore, students are just as powerful as teachers. Teachers want to discipline their students how and when they choose. This is a major dispute among parents, teachers, and students. A teacher may not ever hit a student purposely. A teacher may lower our grade for not doing work or failing class criteria. They may not lower our grade just because they don’t like us or we act slightly out of hand. Many people say that students don’t know what is best for them. This is may be true at lower elementary, but in high school, students can speak for themselves and know what they need. In some court cases or public meetings, teachers or the school bo... ...rookfield: Millbrook,1997. â€Å"Student Government†. World Book: Millennium 2000. 2000ed. â€Å"Student Rights†. Natural Math. 21 Jan. 2002 . â€Å"Students Rights†. Rethinking Schools. Vol. 14, Issue 4 (Summer 2000). 21 Jan. 2002 . â€Å"Students Rights†. Y and M Online. 21 Jan. 2002 . â€Å"Students Rights and Responsibilities†. University of Virginia. 21 Jan. 2002 . â€Å"Students Rights Guide†. American Civil Liberties Union of Northern California. 21 Jan. 2002 . â€Å"Students‘ Rights of Free Speech†. The American Center for Law and Justice. 20 Jan. 2002 . â€Å"Students Rights on Public School Campuses†. Liberty Counsel. 20 Jan. 2002 â€Å"Teachers‘ Rights on Public School Campuses†. Liberty Counsel. 20 Jan. 2002 . Young, David. Survey. Oakridge High School: 30 Jan. 2002.

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Describe How DNA Has Enhanced Law Enforcement

DNA has emerged as a remarkable crime fighting tool. DNA has the potential to be the best crime solving tool of the 21st century. DNA has been very critical in solving some of the nations most serious crimes. DNA analysis is a very powerful tool, because each persons DNA is unique in most cases. DNA evidence collected from a crime scene can implicate or eliminate a suspect. It can also analyze unidentified remains through comparisons with DNA from someone’s relative. Previously, unsolvable cases, more often homicides and sexual assaults, can contain DNA evidence that will help identify the criminal, even though the victim can’t.When evidence from one crime scene is compared through the federal DNA database with evidence from another crime scene those crimes can be linked to the same person locally, statewide, and nationally. Also, plants and animals hold DNA, as well. Newer DNA analysis techniques can yield results from biological evidence that’s invisible to an officer. DNA analysis methods also can be able to help in the identification of missing persons. DNA can be obtained from severely degraded samples, as well.This has enhanced law enforcement tremendously. Without DNA evidence, most people would never be convicted (DNAs Link to Corrections, n. . ). DNA will continue to advance. Some anticipated advances are broader implementation of the CODIS database, increased automated lab procedures, use of computerized analysis, portable devices capable of DNA analysis and remote links to databases and other criminal justice information services (DNA Evidence,n. d. ). Reference DNA Evidence: What Law Enforcement Should Know. (n. d. ). Retrieved November 12, 2012 From: http://www. ncjrs. gov/pdffiles/jr000249c. pdj. DNA’s Link to Corretcions. (n. d. ). Retrieved November 12, 2012 from: http://www. crimescene- Investigations. net/NIJ-DNALinkCorretcion. pdf.