Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Smoking and how to quit it Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Smoking and how to quit it - Essay Example Part of quitting smoking successfully is to make the right preparations so you don’t have a relapse. The first action to quitting smoking is to set a quit date. This date should be long enough to give yourself time to mentally prepare yourself about quitting smoking, but should also be within a short period of time so you don’t keep procrastinating. The next thing you can do is change the environment that you live in. This is a big part of quitting smoking because our surroundings can remind us about when we used to smoke. Another thing to do is to remember previous times when you tried to quit and thing about what worked well and what did not (â€Å"5 Easy Steps to Quitting†). The final thing you can do in preparing to quit smoking can be not feel tempted to take another puff ever again, because this will bring back memories. The next step to quitting smoking is to find friends and family who will encourage you in your decision to quit. Studies have shown that y ou have a higher chance of success if you receive help (â€Å"5 Easy Steps to Quitting†).

Monday, October 28, 2019

Environmental Factors the Affect the Marketing Procedures of Coca Cola International Essay Example for Free

Environmental Factors the Affect the Marketing Procedures of Coca Cola International Essay Coca Cola is an international business company that needs international advertising as well. Businesses spend billions of advertising dollars every year because they know that viewers are influenced by what they see and hear. They don’t spend that money because they think advertising might work; they know it works. It sells their products. In 2004, The Coca-Cola Company spent 2. 2 billion dollars advertising its products worldwide in print, on the radio, and on television. Was the investment worthwhile? The company made nearly 22 billion dollars in profits for that year. Advertisers realize that one ad may not affect behavior. Instead, they rely on the cumulative impact of years of indoctrination. The truth is, with just a minute’s airing of an advertisement, some thousands of consumers are rather attracted to buy the products shown on TV. With this fact in mind, it could be noted that advertising is rather considered as one of the major procedures of marketing that any type of company could invest upon. However, the question is how sure are the advertisers that their products would sell up through the presentation that they make through advertising? What are the factors that contribute to the said effects of advertising marketing to the consumers? This is what is considered within the discussion of how the environmental factors actually affect the impact of advertising towards the target consumers. The Marketing Strategy’s Effective Placement As noted earlier, Coca Cola is an international beverage company that actually handles the production of drinks that are likely to soothe the drinking needs of the consumers. However, selling beverages may not appear to be as easy as it looks. Most people would consider the beverages presented by Coca Cola to the society are likely for hot times only. How then is the company coping up with its sales during cold season? It is undeniable that Coca Cola, upon observation, tries to make the best out of the time that they are given. It could be noted that even during the cold seasons, the said company is able to attract consumers that are likely fond of the beverages that they offer no matter what weather there may be. December is likely the winter time which usually caters hot beverages and their promotions to the buying public. However, Coca Cola managed to use the said environmental change in terms of weather for their own advantage. Coca Cola’s advertisement of Santa Claus holding Coke Beverages is indeed an attractive approach, whereas the company paved the way to a more appreciated matter of the season than that of the cold weather itself. It was a rather creative approach that has given this advertisement a major difference from that of the other marketing strategies used by the same company. Obviously, their approach to the situation has placed them in a better edge against their competitors in the industry thus giving the company better gains than the others for annual productivity for the entire business organization. Conclusion Weather is just one particular factor in the advertising and marketing word that actually affects the approach of product promotion in the field of consumer-producer relationship. It is undeniable through that weather, single as it is, has a great effect on the presentation of advertisements during specific seasons as suggested by the environment itself. Coca Cola on the other hand has been able to take responsible consideration of these unavoidable changes in the environment for the their own good that actually outlines the possibility that they are then given the rightful share of their own creativity in presenting their marketing approach in the field of advertising. As a result, the said company was able to get the best out of the possible changes of the environment. Their gains and the edge against their competitors that they were able to accomplish through the said approached saved their values for service and profit well. True, environment itself may present challenges to different companies with regards the launching of the different products that they present to the society, however, effective utilization of the said situations for the benefit of the organization could make the strategy of marketing more apprehended and efficient for international advertising approaches.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Capitalism vs Communism :: Communism Essays

Poverty is everywhere and no matter how hard our government tries to eliminate it, it simply cannot. To do so it must first reformat itself so that it may do its job in a more efficient manor, thus helping all aspects of life. Converting our current system into a capitalistic government would in fact help alleviate the current situation. Contrary to widely held beliefs, capitalism is not a system which exploits a large portion of society for the sake of a small minority. Capitalism is an economic system characterized by the freedom of the market with increasing concentration of the private and corporate ownership of production and distribution means. It has an stable economic system in that it is consistent with human behavior. People understand that there is no such this as free lunch. You have to work to survive and only those who do will prosper within the system and make it to the top. People are motivated to work as hard as they possibly can because they know that the harder they work the more benefits they will be ale to reap. As written in On Liberty â€Å"These are not questions of liberty†¦.but they are questions of development† (Mill) Marxism on the other hand promotes laziness and sloth. When people no longer have to work for their food they slack off. In a Utopian Marxist society, everyone is paid the same, no matter their job, no matter their skills, no matter their effort. As written in The West in Global Context â€Å"In the place of the numberless indefeasible chartered freedoms has set up that single unconscionable freedom – Free Trade† (Marx) Isn’t the entire point of government to give up some freedoms in exchange for others? The removal of rewards adds idleness and inability to focus because the people have no motivation to work their hardest. They know that every night when they get home they will have the same amount of foot to eat whether they work their hardest or barely at all. The essential nature of capitalism is social harmony through the pursuit of self interest. Under capitalism, the individuals pursuit of his own economic self interest simultaneously benefits the economic self interest of all others. In allowing each individual to act unhampered by government regulations, capitalism causes inventions, prosperity and ideas to be created in the most efficient manner possible which ultimately raises the standard of living, increasing opportunities and makes available an ever growing supply of products for everyone.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

the future of capitalism Essay -- essays research papers

Third World History Book Report . This book report reflects upon the writings of Lester C. Thurow in his 1996 book - "The Future of Capitalism". Thurow is a professor of economics at M.I.T. School of Management and has been a contributing editor to the Newsweek journal. "The Future of Capitalism" is an analytical look at the state of world economics in the late Twentieth Century. Thurow predicts the future of capitalism based upon recent trends in empirical data combined with his own political/economic analysis. Central to this book is a powerful analogy that Thurow uses to communicate his ideas and thoughts to the reader. The distribution of wealth in the world is likened to the surface of the earth - parts of the earth are characterized by high mountainous regions (areas of wealth) while others are of lesser altitude (areas of poverty). In Geology, it is understood that the earth's surface is constantly in a state of flux, impacted by gradual movements in the tectonic plates that float upon the earth's molten inner core. The five tectonic plates affecting the earth's surface (distribution of wealth) are analogous to the driving forces behind changes in world economics; the molten inner core represents the flowing currents of technology and ideology. Thurow contends that movements in the "plates" caused by ideological and/or technological changes can be gradual, having an imperceptible impact on the world's population or they can be sudden with far greater social consequences . When tectonic plates move suddenly, they cause earthquakes on the earth's surface; the distribution of wealth is changed over a very short period of time. In this analogy, periods of rapid change caused by sudden movements in the plates are equated to times of "punctuated equilibrium". Thurow describes "punctuated equilibrium" as fundamental changes in the state of world economics that redefine what it takes to be successful and thus increase one's wealth. By their very nature, periods of "punctuated equilibrium" threaten the status quo, the Midas touch is weakened, what was successful in the past might not be so in the future. "The Future of Capitalism" asserts that we are living in a time of "punctuated equilibrium" and that successful ... ...mained unchanged for millennia. For these countries, the "western way" is a formidable threat that must be thwarted at all costs. When a country's culture is synonymous with its religion, a threat to that culture leads to a rise in religious fundamentalism with often-violent consequences. Sadly, Thurow's prediction of rising religious fundamentalism rings true today. Thurow's book is a rational, well-communicated analysis of world economics. His arguments are based upon sound intuitive reasoning supported with the appropriate empirical analysis. Thurow's use of analogy to communicate his subject is the most impressive aspect of his book. The use of "plate tectonics" accurately reflects the inner workings of world economics; the drivers of change are not obvious to the average bystander. Thurow's book should be mandatory reading for those politicians with an adversity to looking beneath the surface; too many policies target the effect and not the cause. "The Future of Capitalism" stands out because it motivates the reader to look beneath the surface; it provokes a new way of thinking about the world in which we live.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Why is college education necessary?

Learning vs.. Securing a Career Should the students go to colleges and universities to learn and grow or to secure a sound future career? The answer to this question is debatable. Some people believe that universities should educate students on such lines which make them get a highly paid Job. To some extent this notion is acceptable as far as the economic conditions of the world are concerned.On the contrary, some say that college education should up bring the students In such a way that they hold a position of respect and professional recognition, moreover that they serve as an essential alluding block in the progress of society. A good Job or money Is not everything; knowledge and education are more than that. Just pursuing a degree may not guarantee you a lucrative Job but studying at a college may develop such skills In students that are necessary to lead a protocol life.It Is the knowledge of education, knowledge of empowerment, knowledge of responsibility and the knowledge of curiosity which makes a student an Intellectual personality – but not the degree he pursues nor the institution he goes to. So, students should endeavor for the pursuit f excellence and knowledge. There are many purposes for obtaining a college education. Firstly, it develops the character and personality of students which make their lives sound academically, professionally, and financially as well.It helps students to make themselves a promising career. College serves as a medium for students to fulfill their dreams. It gives them a chance to study and research in their preferred subjects and to pursue their Jobs in that field of their specialization. It provides them with a chance to get exposure within them. Universities tend to train dents to step in the modern world by giving them theoretical as well as practical knowledge. College education also helps the students to communicate with deferent people, which is beneficial in the corporate world.In short, it provides the n ecessary skills needed in a professional life. These college educations have brought about a revolution in the history. The Muhammad Anglo-oriental College, later named as Aligarh's Muslim University educated the Muslims of that time on modern lines to make them compete with their contemporaries, and served as a great platform in the placement of an independent nation – Pakistan. What if a student does not continue his education after school or does not take admission in a college or university?Will he be able to live a life of dignity and prosperity? The probability Is very low. One may earn more money even by not continuing studies at college, but as I mentioned earlier money is not everything – college education makes one academically sound. Therefore, the mall purpose for obtaining college education Is to develop the qualities of Intellectual curiosity and social responsibility wealth oneself, to think beyond the horizon, as well as to up bring oneself to such an I ntellectual personality that one gets a note-worthy Job because of his discern and mental capability.Why is college education necessary? By Muhammad Intense-Khan education should up bring the students in such a way that they hold a position of building block in the progress of society. A good Job or money is not everything; guarantee you a lucrative Job but studying at a college may develop such skills in students that are necessary to lead a prolific life. It is the knowledge of education, curiosity which makes a student an intellectual personality – but not the degree he knowledge.College education also helps the students to communicate with different university? Will he be able to live a life of dignity and prosperity? The probability is academically sound. Therefore, the main purpose for obtaining college education is to develop the qualities of intellectual curiosity and social responsibility within intellectual personality that one gets a note-worthy Job because of his discern and

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Free Essays on Gastby Themes

Money may be able to buy ones happiness but not necessarily satisfaction in life. Fitzgerald's characters in â€Å"Winter Dreams† and Great Gatsby had money, but not satisfaction throughout their life. One can have satisfying materials, do satisfying things, and obtain satisfying qualities. Characters in â€Å"Winter Dreams† and Three of the most satisfying materials that a person could own is a home, money, and a car. At least one of these items is essential for a person no matter where they live. The home is the most satisfying material that a person could own. A home is a place that one can go to rest, eat, and just live. A home provides memories and a place for a family to grow. A home satisfies people with protection, an investment, security, safety, and privacy. The home is definitely a key item of satisfying materials. Another satisfying material that a person could own is money. Money is something that is very important to possess. Owning money can satisfy a person’s hunger, shelter, and just everything it takes for that person to live. A person would not be satisfied if they did not own any money. They would be depressed and have to live on the streets. Money alone cannot satisfy a person on a whole but it brings together the whole term of satisfaction. The last item that is satisfying is a c ar. A car is something that can satisfy ones need to get around. It is important to use to get to work, school, and places to far to venture on foot. A car is a machine with great power and can also satisfy one with air conditioning on a hot day. It can satisfy a person with ride to ones favorite place such as the beach. A home, money, and a car are all materials that a person can own to satisfy them. Not only can materials satisfy a person but so can activities such as sports, relaxing, and sleeping. Playing sports can satisfy a persons body and mind. Participating in sports keeps one in shape satisfying their heart and health. Also it... Free Essays on Gastby Themes Free Essays on Gastby Themes Money may be able to buy ones happiness but not necessarily satisfaction in life. Fitzgerald's characters in â€Å"Winter Dreams† and Great Gatsby had money, but not satisfaction throughout their life. One can have satisfying materials, do satisfying things, and obtain satisfying qualities. Characters in â€Å"Winter Dreams† and Three of the most satisfying materials that a person could own is a home, money, and a car. At least one of these items is essential for a person no matter where they live. The home is the most satisfying material that a person could own. A home is a place that one can go to rest, eat, and just live. A home provides memories and a place for a family to grow. A home satisfies people with protection, an investment, security, safety, and privacy. The home is definitely a key item of satisfying materials. Another satisfying material that a person could own is money. Money is something that is very important to possess. Owning money can satisfy a person’s hunger, shelter, and just everything it takes for that person to live. A person would not be satisfied if they did not own any money. They would be depressed and have to live on the streets. Money alone cannot satisfy a person on a whole but it brings together the whole term of satisfaction. The last item that is satisfying is a c ar. A car is something that can satisfy ones need to get around. It is important to use to get to work, school, and places to far to venture on foot. A car is a machine with great power and can also satisfy one with air conditioning on a hot day. It can satisfy a person with ride to ones favorite place such as the beach. A home, money, and a car are all materials that a person can own to satisfy them. Not only can materials satisfy a person but so can activities such as sports, relaxing, and sleeping. Playing sports can satisfy a persons body and mind. Participating in sports keeps one in shape satisfying their heart and health. Also it...

Monday, October 21, 2019

world bank essays

world bank essays The World Bank is a lending organization used by developing nations in need of finances to help provide relief from financial difficulties. Some would say that the World Bank helps countries by giving them valuable finances which developing countries need in order to bring about financial reforms. Others argue that that the World Bank has another agenda and that it only lends money to the developing nations in order to push the countries into policies of trade liberalization and privatization. This essay will examine the argument that despite claiming to reduce poverty in poorer nations the World Bank actually adds to the destabilization of the developing countries. In particular this essay will look closely at the new World Bank policy called the Highly Indebted Poor Countries Initiative and how this initiative is again being used as bargaining power over the developing world rather than helping to alleviate debt problems which was its original purpose. This topic is of particular r elevance as this new initiative has only recently been implemented and the way in which it used will be of great importance to developing nations as they struggle to recover from growing debt in the next few years. The World Bank was first established during World War II at Bretton Woods, New Hampshire. The emphasis in the early stages of the World Banks development was post war rebuilding. The first loan made by the World Bank was to France in 1947 for $250 million to help it recover from the devastations of war. The World Bank (03) states that despite lending to countries post conflict or in other similar humanitarian emergencies, it has evolved into a lending institution whose main agenda involves relief to third world poverty. The World Bank describes itself as a specialized agency rather than a bank. It states that its aim is to bridge the gap between rich and poor nations by turning rich country resources into poor country growth. The World Ban...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

What to Do If Youre Bored in College

What to Do If You're Bored in College When you thought of what college would be like, you probably didnt think about it being boring. Despite all the activity that takes place on a college campus, there can be times when things do get a wee bit slow. So what can you do to help pass the time? 1. Walk to a New Part of Campus If you need something to do, one of the best ways to find something exciting is to step outside and see whats going on. Put on a pair of comfy shoes, grab your phone, and head outside to explore a part of campus youve never visited before. You just might stumble across a few friends playing rugby, a cool new part of campus where you can study, or an art exhibit that piques your interest. 2. Head to the Gym Dont feel like working out? Hitting the gym might be just the pick-me-up you need to get some energy, refocus your priorities, and pass some time. Plus, youll get exercise and the health benefits to boot. 3. Join or Start a Pick-up Game If things are a little slow on campus, chances are you arent the only one looking for something to do. Head to the gym, see who else is hanging out, and start a pick-up game. Youll burn calories, meet some new people, get some exercise, and pass the time- while possibly earning bragging rights. 4. Read Something for Fun It may sound crazy given how much reading you do in college anyway, but think about it: When was the last time you read a gossip magazine just for fun? Or caught up on the latest news about your favorite sports team?  Head to the bookstore or a local supermarket and, for a few bucks, treat yourself to some fun, easy reading that doesnt require you to take notes. 5. Do Homework in a New Location Consider this, would you rather work on your homework when youre bored or when there are tons of fun, exciting things going on that you dont want to miss? Finding a new study location can also help make doing your homework feel less tedious. A new environment can do wonders for your focus, outlook, and productivity. 6. Hang out in Your Residence Hall Lobby Your residence hall common area might seem like a place that you just pass through on the way to and from your room every day. If you time it right, you can head down, enjoy the extra space, perhaps watch a game on the TV, and meet some new people or hang out with ones you already know. It can be a nice way to do something new in a place that already feels familiar. 7. Watch a Game in Person If youre bored on campus, see if theres a game scheduled. Choose a sport you havent seen in person before. Watching rugby, soccer, softball, lacrosse, or water polo can be a great way to spend an afternoon. 8. Watch a Game on TV or the Internet So, things on campus are a little slow and boring. Grab some friends, head to the dining hall, pick up some snacks and drinks, and watch the game on TV or on the computer in your room. It might not be as exciting as watching the game in person, but it can be a great way to pass the time- especially if the weather outside is far from ideal. 9. Go to an Event Youve Never Attended   The chances of absolutely  nothing  happening on your campus at any given point in time are pretty slim. The problem might be, however, that the things that are going on just arent on your radar. Challenge yourself to step outside of your comfort zone and attend an event that youve never gone to before. 10. Go to a Cultural Event off Campus Cant find anything to do on campus? Check out the local entertainment listings of whats happening  off  campus. A  poetry slam, art fair, music festival, or some  other event can be just what you need to turn a boring day into a memorable one and get familiar with your new city at the same time. 11. Go to a Museum off Campus Youre in college because you enjoy learning new things and living an intellectual life. Take that smarty-pants brain of yours and go learn something new at a museum exhibit in town. Viewing something new and exciting from a certain time period, artist, photographer, or sculptor can be a great learning experience. If youre lucky, you can even use what you learned as bonus points in an upcoming class assignment. 12. Call and Catch up With a High School Friend Things can get so busy in college that it can be difficult to  keep in touch with your high school or hometown friends. When was the last time you had a nice, long phone call with a friend you knew before you left for college? If you have some free time and are a little bored, use the break to your advantage and catch up with an old friend. 13. Hang out in the Campus Coffee Shop The campus coffee shop offers far more than just your favorite kind of coffee. It can be a good place to get some work done, surf the Internet, people watch, or otherwise just hang out. And if youre bored, it can be a great place to get a change of scenery without spending  too much money. 14. Grab Some Friends and Head to a Movie off Campus   If you use your  student discount, you can catch a new movie, have some social time, get off campus, and mentally check out  from the stress of college life  for a few hours- all at a discounted price. 15. Grab Some Friends and Watch a Movie Online   If the weather is bad but you need something to do, grab some friends and stream a movie in someones room. Even if its a horrible movie, you and your friends will have something to laugh about. 16. Do Something Creative   For students lucky enough to have a creative streak, the time to relax and make something just for fun is rare. Turn a boring afternoon into one of those moments when you can let your creativity flow without having to worry about your upcoming assignment. 17. Crank up the Music and Organize Your Life Use a free (read: boring) afternoon to do all the things you dont want to  do  but actually need to get  done. Do your laundry,  clean up  your room, organize your paperwork, make sure your  calendar/time management system  is up to date, and generally get your  to-do list  done. Cranking up the music (or watching a movie) can help make the tasks go faster. The way youll feel when everything is done will be well worth it.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Job Costing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Job Costing - Essay Example In numerous systems, costs can be classified in stages, cost classes and cost codes, and this breakdown must be meticulously customized to correctly reflect Dell’s needs. Dell should start by developing a team that will identify the needs of the company and organizes the structure and approach to be used to achieve them. This team should include among others, managers, account receivable, accounts payable, as well as payroll personnel since a diverse group will consider the views of numerous people to whom the data will benefit. The team constituted by Dell should meet for discussions on the items on their checklist and find ways of assisting the company to determine what it needs from a job hosting system and then identify an approach and the details that should be monitored. In Dell’s case, every functional area can be affected by changes to activity-based costing and this makes it imperative to for managers to participate and buy into all the functional areas. Variou s people from different departments at Dell bring particular knowledge to their functions which are required to complete the set of activities in the entire company while appreciating the cost drivers of every activity. At Dell, job costing is utilized for the collection of costs associated with direct labor, overhead and direct materials whereby overhead is allocated to computers, which are considered jobs, subject to a predetermined rate of allocation like square footage and machine hours among others(Dussart, 2010).

Friday, October 18, 2019

Antigony Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Antigony - Essay Example His Creon is really a dramatic character. The plot of the play is simple. Events take place in Thebes, in front of the royal palace. First, we learn the tragic fate of Oedipus’ children. His two sons have slaughtered each other struggling for the crown. Creon, the ruler of the state, issues the law ordering to bury â€Å"Eteocles, who perished in the fight to save our city, the best and bravest of our spearmen† â€Å"with all those purifying rituals which accompany the noblest corpses, as they move below†, while â€Å"Polyneices, who returned from exile, eager to wipe out in all-consuming fire  his ancestral city and its native gods, keen to seize upon his family’s blood  and lead men into slavery† is â€Å"to have no burial mound, no funeral rites, and no lament†. He is to be left unburied with â€Å"his body left for birds and dogs to eat† [190-200]. However, this proclamation contradicts all the traditions prescribed by gods and minded by people for many centuries. Ant igone, Oedipus’ daughter and Polynecies sister, is going to bury the brother. Sophocles’ Antigone is ruled by the laws set by gods. As she explains her firm decision to Creon:   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   sent no such laws for men. I did not think  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   where they first appeared. So I did not mean  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  anything which you proclaimed strong enough   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   to let a fear of any human will Creon is outraged that someone has dared to disobey him. Most of all, he is irritated by the fact that this person is a woman. He feels insulted and, blinded with his pride and rage, is not able to hear any advice given to him by his environment. He  sentences Antigone to being buried alive in a cavern, notwithstanding the fact that she is his son’s (Haemon) bride. Haemon’s attempts to bring his father to reason result in even stronger rage of Creon. The end is tragic. Creon

Talent Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Talent Management - Essay Example The emergence of technology, particularly the Internet, makes this process even easier, as companies worldwide are now recruiting via the Internet ("Leadership Advantage"). The Cayman Islands, for example, recruit people from various nationalities to join the international organizations on their islands. The Cayman Islands have clearly benefited from doing so, as they form the fifth largest financial centre in the world, with over 5,945 registered companies in the financial industry (Cayman Islands Chamber of Commerce). Furthermore, some of the current senior managers are headed for retirement, so it is important to have a new younger generation of fully competent persons for the future. It is expensive to always re-hire and re-train. Therefore, managing the talent already available within the organization is crucial (Sullivan 2005). Duttagupta (2005) has established a framework for managing talent. The process includes executive assessment, effective recruiting, coaching, providing feedback, mentoring, empowering, leadership assessment and development, as well as creation of a rewards system. The HRD as part of its business strategy may organize a company retreat for a weekend, perhaps at a hotel, where all the managers get together and assesses the organization's "current and future strat

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Management, Innovation and New techonology Essay

Management, Innovation and New techonology - Essay Example The development and improvement incorporate technical specifications, materials and components, software, user-friendliness and other functional characteristics. Many scholars have examined product innovation which is based on various resource-based views. The process of product innovation can be analyzed as a dynamic capability of the core competence of an organization that helps them in renewing and configuring various resources. From the studies of Daniels in 2002 in which product innovation of five high-tech firms was examined and it directs towards the competencies of the firm associated with technology and customers. Daniels also stress on the fact that for development of new products there is a requirement of the combination of the potential customers and technology. For optimal product innovation, the resources of the firm associated with the current technology and customers are highly essential. From the studies of Shane in 2000 reveals that development of technology gives r ise to the creation of new markets as well exploration and exploitation. From the studies of Shane in 2000 eight enterprises were thoroughly studied and it signifies that the entrepreneurial opportunity recognition signifies to the fact that the entrepreneurs generate the ability for recognizing new knowledge for exploiting new products and technology which includes knowledge of market, knowledge of the ways in serving the markets, knowing the problems of the customers and that of the knowledge of technology. The recognition of entrepreneurial opportunities may lead to better understanding of the new technology or that of the technology for innovation (Huang & Wang, 2011, p.71). Bessant in 1994 creates a model which incorporates several processes and influences within the innovation process as depicted in the following diagram. Fig. 1. Brady, (1995), p.14 The strategy system incorporates information regarding the environment with respect to various forces in the economy like economic, political and so on. Identification of the opportunities as well as needs related to innovation in the light of overall business strategy. This leads to dynamism and change. The system of enabling acts as a support mechanism in the development of the innovation process to take place. Involvement in this respect may include tangible and intangible resources like time, money, people, equipment and management’s support and so on. The system of acquisition can be regarded as the technology powerhouse as it is the area where potential strength of the technology of the organization resides.

Identifying and Clarifying Opportunities Case Study

Identifying and Clarifying Opportunities - Case Study Example This approach to decision making may pose as one of the biggest challenges for future survival and growth of  MLR. MLR is positioned as a casual, full-service restaurant that caters to a relaxed and fun-loving crowd. The chain strives to attract people who enjoy socializing and hospitality. The management however does not want to project the restaurant as a pub, sports bar or other drinking establishment. The present positioning is based on the founding members own experiences and not on any marketing research. MLR competes in the marketplace on the plank of differentiation. The restaurant offers a signature dish which is consistent with consumer’s preferences for healthier diets. The founders did not use inputs from consumers before finalizing these important marketing decisions. Likewise, there has been no effort to segment the market on any quantitative or sophisticated market assessment tool. MLR is presently facing cash flow problems. The costs have risen, however the revenue has not increased proportionately. The restaurant has accumulated large amount of debt. Heavy interest payout is compounding the issue of large cash outflows. The annual sales of MLR have risen consistently from $1,472,000 in 2006 to $ 17,222,000 in 2009. The projected sales of $22,329,000 for the year 2010 represent a 30 percent growth over the previous year. On the face of it, these figures suggest that MLR is doing pretty well. However they mask some important aspects that need attention. First and foremost is the fact that rate of growth in sales has been falling every year as depicted in the table below. Despite this slowdown in the sales growth rate, revenue per store has continued to increase every year. During the fiscal year ended April 30, 2009, which included the worse part of the economic recession, the average revenue per store was $1,435, up from $1,372 during the comparative

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Management, Innovation and New techonology Essay

Management, Innovation and New techonology - Essay Example The development and improvement incorporate technical specifications, materials and components, software, user-friendliness and other functional characteristics. Many scholars have examined product innovation which is based on various resource-based views. The process of product innovation can be analyzed as a dynamic capability of the core competence of an organization that helps them in renewing and configuring various resources. From the studies of Daniels in 2002 in which product innovation of five high-tech firms was examined and it directs towards the competencies of the firm associated with technology and customers. Daniels also stress on the fact that for development of new products there is a requirement of the combination of the potential customers and technology. For optimal product innovation, the resources of the firm associated with the current technology and customers are highly essential. From the studies of Shane in 2000 reveals that development of technology gives r ise to the creation of new markets as well exploration and exploitation. From the studies of Shane in 2000 eight enterprises were thoroughly studied and it signifies that the entrepreneurial opportunity recognition signifies to the fact that the entrepreneurs generate the ability for recognizing new knowledge for exploiting new products and technology which includes knowledge of market, knowledge of the ways in serving the markets, knowing the problems of the customers and that of the knowledge of technology. The recognition of entrepreneurial opportunities may lead to better understanding of the new technology or that of the technology for innovation (Huang & Wang, 2011, p.71). Bessant in 1994 creates a model which incorporates several processes and influences within the innovation process as depicted in the following diagram. Fig. 1. Brady, (1995), p.14 The strategy system incorporates information regarding the environment with respect to various forces in the economy like economic, political and so on. Identification of the opportunities as well as needs related to innovation in the light of overall business strategy. This leads to dynamism and change. The system of enabling acts as a support mechanism in the development of the innovation process to take place. Involvement in this respect may include tangible and intangible resources like time, money, people, equipment and management’s support and so on. The system of acquisition can be regarded as the technology powerhouse as it is the area where potential strength of the technology of the organization resides.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

SSK 12 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

SSK 12 - Essay Example Speaking specifically of education and learning, I can once again safely say that I have a very diverse understanding and this is simply because, although the most significant years of my life were spent in Lebanon, I am Australian born and I did choose to continue my education here once I came back. So, even when it comes to education and learning, I have two very varied perspectives. My world view has touched every part of my life, especially my perspective on education and learning. In order to understand how the world view affects us we must first understand what the term signifies; Hobson puts it best when she says, â€Å"†¦ a set of beliefs that we hold and through which we organise our understanding of ourselves and our understanding of others.† (Hobson, p. 2). Try thinking of it this way: throughout our lives we collect values and experiences and place them in a box. At a later point when we come across an obstacle, event or any situation as such, we open that box and relate our past perceptions to the new situation. How we deal with the situation is directly related to how our world view has been previously shaped. It can be further described as a kind of â€Å"overreaching philosophy† that is used to construct social worlds. There is no deliberate attempt on anyone’s part to create a world view of their own liking. This is something they unconsciously learn throughout their lives (Samovar & Porter, p.103). Education and learning is thus no different; our view of this is also intertwined with world view. A person’s emotions, cultural affinity, beliefs, locality etcetera, all affect learning in some way or the other. A guide to learning independently further addresses this aspect when it talks about the concept of the self and in particular the physical and emotional self, the cultural and social self, and one’s surroundings and

Cebu Pacific Essay Example for Free

Cebu Pacific Essay A. Economic Forces Generating billions in revenues and creating hundreds of thousands of jobs. In recent years, the global aviation industry has been through many ups and downs. From skyrocketing fuel prices to pandemics to recent financial crisis, aviation industry has confronted a very rough weather in last ten years or so. Consolidation in mature markets, higher ticket prices, modernization of airports, policies to reduce emissions and tremendous growth prospects in emerging economies have been some of the trends during the decade. According to recent industry reports, the global aviation industry is on the path of recovery and future looks optimistic and would present ample opportunities for the stakeholders. The airline industry is inextricably tied to the overall economy – even minor recessions result in reduced demand and increased sensitivity to prices for leisure as well as business travellers. Changes in the economy have a big affect on the airline industry. The elasticity of demand, externalities, wage inequality, and monetary, fiscal, and federal policies all have an impact on this industry. The airline industry is constantly changing due to today’s market and today we will be looking at the reasons behind it. By successfully managing opportunity cost, and adapting to an ever changing economic environment, airline industries can have economic success.However, the well-being of the nation’s economy will have a direct impact on the level of success experienced in the airline industry. During economic shortfalls in the nation’s economy, travellers will have fewer resources available to travel for pleasure. Contributing to the negative economic influences in the airline industry, future and existing policies targeting the airline industry will continue to hinder the industry’s ability to recover losses in periods of economic hardships. The launch of low cost airlines in Philippines has provided a boost for the  industry. Airlines that have been part of this trend are Asian Spirit and Southeast Asian Air, offering affordable fares to local and even international destinations. The public seems to have embraced this, as the rate of flying passengers has increased. This increased not only accounts for new fliers but also regular flying passengers who were on a budget and now have a choice to choosing budget over luxury. There are quite a few negative externalities in the airline industry. Another thing that the economy is affecting the airline industry is the competing airlines. The bigger airlines can afford lower fares which make it hard for the smaller airlines to compete. Different airlines have plans to expand but will not be able to until the cost of fuel is under control. For the low fare carriers who allow advanced booking, they will need to work on a plan to avoid bankruptcy. This will make the airline industry continue to boost prices due to the fact that oil prices are expected to continue rising due to the supply. B. Political Forces In 1973, from the Letters of Instruction (151 and 151A) the airline industry in the Philippines was monopolized by Philippine Airlines (PAL). The monopoly lasted for more than twenty years until the Executive Order 19 in 1995 which liberalized the airline industry establishing the domestic and international civil aviation liberalization policy in the country. The E.O 219 stipulates the removal of restrictions on routes and flight frequencies, as well as government control on fares and charges. Following the liberalization, the industry attracted new entrants such as Cebu Pacific, Air Philippines, Grand Air, and Mindanao Express. Unfortunately, Grand Air and Mindanao Express were unsuccessful, and then SEAir and Asian Spirit come to birth. Today, airline industry in the Philippines is under the regulations of Department of Transportation and Communication (DOTC) under the civil aviation sector. The Civil Aviation sector is composed of the Manila International Airport Authority (MIAA), Mactan Cebu International Airport  Authority (MCIAA), Philippine Aerospace Development Corporation (PADC), Civil Aeronautics Board (CAB) and the Civil Aviation Authority of the Philippines (CAAP) (formerly known as ATO). The Department continuously upgrades and improves the international and domestic airport facilities to meet international standards and to provide better service to the commuters. On the other hand, our airline regulatory boards also recognize the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO). The ICAO has several regulations that the local boards are following. Last March 19, 2009, the ISO 9001:2000 Certificate for NAIA terminal 1 was awarded by Anglo Japanese American (AJA) Registrars, Inc. after passing the Phase 1 Audit of the Passenger Facilitation Processes. On May 21, 2009 MIAA was given the upgraded ISO 1991:2008 Certification making the Authority and the NAIA Terminal 1 one of the very few institutions in the country that have passed this upgraded level of certification. Today, airline industry in the Philippines is facing a big issue in international safety standard. Early this year, the European Union banned airlines from Angola and vowed to block carriers from Sudan and the Philippines from starting flights to the 27-country bloc. The European Transport Commissioner SiimKallas said that they cannot accept airlines fly into EU if they do not fully comply with international safety standards. The Philippine authorities and airlines mad efforts to resolve this issue but still Philippines would be banned from the EU precaution. C. Socio-Cultural Forces Obesity One controversy surrounds the issue of airline companies tightening their seat restrictions for obese passengers. Some companies have gone as far as to charge an overweight individual the cost of two seats because of their size. This has created a stir, as it brings up the question of discrimination. As indelicate as this issue is, airline companies contend that it simply costs more to fly those more portly passengers. According to Newsweek, â€Å"A study concluded that the 10 pounds Americans gained on average during the 1990s required an additional 350 million gallons of fuel a year.†Ã‚  So it would seem that this issue has less to do with discrimination and more to do with simple arithmetic. Security Airline companies have undergone a dramatic shift in the safety precautions they take, upping the ante in security measures due to recent terrorist attacks. And while the increase in security may, on some level, ease the mind of the pilots, passengers and their families, it also increases the anxiety and frustration with the amount of time and effort it takes to get from the airport ticket counter to the terminal gate. Because of the few successful breaches in security that have occurred over the past decade, airlines will never again have the luxury of being so lax in terms of their security. Ethnicity Perception is a major factor in how we view the world. It is also one of the oldest studies in psychology. How we perceive ethnicity, as it relates to air travel, has much to do with September 11, 2001. Since then the eyes of the world have grown increasingly sensitive to the ethnicity of passengers travelling on airplanes. It has created something of a negative perception for particular races and religions. Bloomberg Business week reports, â€Å"Airline experts and executives say it’s important not to exaggerate the effects of terrorism fears.† However, because airline companies have had to exercise increased security measures because of terrorism, and because passengers have grown increasingly aware of possible threats, those perceptions are not easily dismissed. D. Technological Forces Internet as a way to book flights, check in, and check flight status – Before, ticketing offices were often jam-packed by people who wants to book flights, and most of the time, they are becoming irritated of the situation. Now, with the dawn of the Internet and Cebu Pacific Air’s entry to the world wide web, customers can now book flights without going to a ticketing office, pay their billings securely using Credit/Debit card, they can even change their flight details without bothering to go personally to CEB office, and check flight status that will be a much-used during storm  seasons and other obstacles that might hinder the the flight. Always new and improved software for airlines Acquiring and continuously upgrading its software is a very big positive impact for the company. It is a way of telling your customers and prospective customers that your airline will not cause them any hassles and troubles in the near future. Aside from having it as an impression of promising greatness, generally, all will follow to the good lead. New technology for airline employees Airline employees should be introduced with new technologies to avoid having problems in the future. The airline had purchased new equipments, machines to shorten the queue, but if they have no idea of how it operates, you will not obtain your objective. So every employee must be knowledgeable of technologies for we are now in the 21st century. New pilot training courses Finishing a course to become a pilot is not enough. Even if you have become one of the airline’s pilot, you still have to go through series of training courses and seminars to keep on track. Learning does not stop. Therefore as Cebu Pacific Air’s vow to excellence and safety, they are launching several training courses to avoid a doubt, if there is, for a customer to think whether the pilot is competent enough. By this, passengers can seat safe and sound. New security technology Website hacking is like an infectious virus that was troubling many people nowadays. But with the new security technology, customers will not have any bad thinking about paying securely using their Credit/Debit card. Cebu Pacific Air’s paying system was verified by Visa, MasterCard and VeriSign. It is a big sign that the airline has a very strong security technology that no hackers can destroy. E. Environmental Forces Contrails short for â€Å"condensation trails† or vapour trails are artificial clouds that are the visible trails of condensed water vapour made by the  exhaust of aircraft engines. As the hot exhaust gases cool in the surrounding air they may precipitate a cloud of microscopic water droplets. If the air is cold enough, this trail will comprise tiny ice crystals. The wingtip vortices which trail from the wingtips and wing flaps of aircraft are sometimes partly visible due to condensation in the cores of the vortices. Each vortex is a mass of spinning air and the air pressure at the centre of the vortex is very low. These wingtip vortices are not the same as contrails. Depending on atmospheric conditions, contrails may be visible for only a few seconds or minutes, or may persist for many hours which may affect climate. The main by-products of hydrocarbon fuel combustion are carbon dioxide and water vapour. At high altitudes this water vapour emerges into a cold environment, and the local increase in water vapour can push the water content of the air past saturation point. The vapour then condenses into tiny water droplets and/or deposits into ice. These millions of tiny water droplets and/or ice crystals form the vapour trail or contrails. The vapour’s need to condense accounts for the contrail forming some way behind the aircraft’s engines. At high altitudes, super cooled water vapor requires a trigger to encourage deposition or condensation. The exhaust particles in the aircraft’s exhaust act as this trigger, causing the trapped vapour to rapidly turn to ice crystals. Exhaust vapour trails or contrails usually occur above 8000 metres (26,000 feet) and only if the temperature there is below −40  °C (−40  °F). Engine Emissions Over the years, increasing attention has been paid to the sustainable development of the aviation sector. It is now widely recognised that the costs of these externalities must be internalised and paid for by the aviation industry and its users. Of all the externalities generated from commercial flights, aircraft engine emissions have extensive impacts on human health, vegetation, materials, ecosystem and the climate. Currently, only around 10 airports have applied engine emissions surcharges, which are in Switzerland, Sweden and the United Kingdom. However, the impacts of aircraft engine emissions are a world-wide issue and have drawn significant attention in the global community. This research aims to evaluate the impacts of aircraft engine emissions  charges, based on the estimation of social costs, on airlines operating costs. The paper firstly presents the methods of assessing the social costs of aircraft engine emissions. The environmental impacts of aircraft engine emissions include both aircraft landing and take-off and the cruise stage. The social costs of aircraft emissions vary by engine type and aircraft category, depending on the damages caused by different engine pollutants on the human health, vegetation, materials, aquatic ecosystem and climate. Nine Asian airlines, covering both network full service carriers and low cost airlines, are selected for empirical analysis. The implications of aircraft engine emissions charges on the selected airlines and the corresponding effects on operating costs were measured, involving five existing intra-Asian flight routes. It was found that the aircraft engine emission charges would range from 3-12% of the airlines ¡Ã‚ ¦ operating costs, depending on the route distance, aircraft types and the nature of airline operating characteristics. Airport noise Aircraft noise is noise pollution produced by any aircraft or its components, during various phases of a flight: on the ground while parked such as auxiliary power units, while taxiing, on run-up from propeller and jet exhaust, during takeoff, underneath and lateral to departure and arrival paths, over-flying while en route, or during landing.Aerodynamic noise arises from the airflow around the aircraft fuselage and control surfaces. This type of noise increases with aircraft speed and also at low altitudes due to the density of the air. Jet-powered aircraft create intense noise from aerodynamics. Low-flying, high-speed military aircraft produce especially loud aerodynamic noise. The shape of the nose, windshield or canopy of an aircraft affects the sound produced. Much of the noise of a propeller aircraft is of aerodynamic origin due to the flow of air around the blades. The helicopter main and tail rotors also give rise to aerodynamic noise. This type of aerodynamic noise is mostly low frequency determined by the rotor speed. Much of the noise in propeller aircraft comes equally from the propellers and aerodynamics. Helicopter noise is aerodynamically induced noise from the main and tail rotors and mechanically induced noise from the main gearbox and various  transmission chains. The mechanical sources produce narrow band high intensity peaks relating to the rotational speed and movement of the moving parts. In computer modelling terms noise from a moving aircraft can be treated as a line source. Aircraft Gas Turbine engines (Jet Engines) are responsible for much of the aircraft noise during takeoff and climb. However, with advances in noise reduction technologies the airframe is typically noisier during landing. The majority of engine noise is due to Jet Noise although high bypass-ratio turbofans do have considerable Fan Noise. The high velocity jet leaving the back of the engine has inherent shear layer instability (if not thick enough) and rolls up into ring vortices. This of course later breaks down into turbulence. The SPL associated with engine noise is proportional to the jet speed (to a high power) therefore; even modest reductions in exhaust velocity will see a large reduction in Jet Noise.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Judicial Inquiry Into Stephen Lawrence

Judicial Inquiry Into Stephen Lawrence It is argued by Shiner (2010) that the judicial inquiry into the events surrounding the death of Stephen Lawrence amounted to a public declaration of police culpability in not only the surrounding the specific case of Stephen Lawrence but a wider concern with the maltreatment of black and ethnic minority communities more generally. (Shiner 2010; 935). The Macpherson Report identified that the combination of three core deficiencies within the police which contributed to an environment fostering racism: (1) professional incompetence, (2) institutional racism and (3) a failure by senior police officers in exercising their public duty. (Macpherson 1999: 46.1). The Report considered that their findings with regard to institutional racism were symptomatic with not only the Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) but with other Police Services and institutions countrywide. (Macpherson 1999; 6.39). It is agreed by a number of academics that the way in which the police handled the Lawrence investig ation were not particularly racist against the Lawrence family but rather it was symbolic of the way in which the police were treating working class families with a sheer lack of understanding on the part of the police of the experiences and expectations of the black community. (Chan 1996; 115-119 and Phillips and Bowling 2007). The important aspect to emerge from the Report was the impact it would have on the police as an institution in that although Stephen Lawrence was not the first or last unresolved racist murder, it was noted by Reiner (2000) that it crystallised the disastrous ebbing away of black confidence in the police. (Reiner 2000; 79). It represented a turning point for policing in that it prompted the most significant review of the relationship between policing and ethnic communities, questioning how policing could be reflective of the community it serves. (Bowling and Phillips 2007; 546). The Macpherson reported noted some 70 recommendations aimed at improving this relationship between the police and ethnic communities which were implemented in the aftermath of the delivery of the Report. (Home Affairs Committee 2007). A key reforming recommendation was Recommendation 61 which required police to keep records of all stop and search activities carried out by the police which would contain the in formation of ethnicity which in turn could be used to determine whether the police were stopping any particular ethnicity disproportionately. (Macpherson 1999; 47.61). The effect of requiring police officers to record the informal aspects of their use of stop and search was one way in which the police could be held to account publically if they disproportionately stopped any ethnicity over another. Additionally, it had sought to reduce the arbitrariness of the use of stop and search by ensuring the police would only use the power appropriately when they had to record each time who they stopped. (Saunders and Young 2010; 97 101). One of the core concerns of the Macpherson Report identified that the police in practice were in effect over-policing particular ethnic communities and by requiring the police to report on their use of discretionary police powers would create an accountability mechanism within which the public could scrutinise the use of police powers. (Macpherson 1999; 6.3 4). It held the potential of becoming the yardstick indicator of policing. However, it is important to note that whilst the Macpherson Report clearly set about to place policing within a new agenda of accountability and openness to the community in which they served, it has been argued by Savage that the police as an institution has been able to undermine, frustrate and withstand any external proposals for reform. (Savage 2003; 171). In addition, it is important to understand the internal police perception of the Macpherson Report in that their reaction was deeply divided between senior ranking officer and rank and file field officers. (Rowe 2004). The senior officers were more open to change and accepted the findings of the Macpherson Report, however, the rank and file field officers protested that the Report was an affront to their professionalism in exercising their public duty. (McLaughlin 2007). Media reporting in 2009 from across a section of sources attempt to argue that the problems emerging from the Macpherson Report were now no longer relevant ten years after Macpherson due to the reforms implemented from the Report. In January 2009 the chair of the Equality and Human Rights Commission, Trevor Phillips wrote in the Daily Mail that the police were no longer institutionally racist. (19 January 2009). Additionally, Jack Straw who was the Secretary of State for Justice also backed the claim that the police had moved on by addressing the problems established in the Macpherson Report. (The Guardian, 23 February 2009). At the tenth anniversary of the Macpherson Report, the Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police Service, Sir Paul Stephenson, also told the media that the police had made significant progress in addressing the concerns of the Macpherson Report. (The Guardian, 24 February 2009). There a number of ways or indicators to assess how successful the Macpherson Report was at delivering a more open and accountable police force since its delivery over ten years ago. The London School of Economics (LSE) through its Mannheim Centre for Criminology commissioned a large number of national surveys of the police between 2002 and 2004 which could act as a good indicator of whether reform was successful. In their report the authors conclude that a number of successes can be claimed since the delivery of the Macpherson Report. (Foster et al 2005). In specific the LSE noted that the Macpherson Reported represented an important mechanism for change which was evidenced through improvements in police responses to hate crimes and in the recording and monitoring of racist incidents. (Ibid; vii ix). Policing structures now allowed for dedicated teams of officers for racial crimes who undertook specialist training in developing specific skills for investigating and managing racial c rimes. However, the LSE Report did note that many officers view these teams with scepticism and often marginalised the officers within them. (Ibid; 92). This highlights that whilst efforts were made at reforming the institutional structure towards creating specialist teams for specific crimes affecting ethnic minorities many existing officers did not support this development. (Buchanan 2006; 173-174). Additionally, the LSE Report noted considerable improvements in murder investigations with considerable improvements on communication between the police and local ethnic communities. It was the creating of community liaison officers which represented a positive change towards creating and fostering an environment of respect between the police and local ethnic communities. These officers allowed the facilitation of police policy to be communicated to local ethnic minorities and also for the police to take account of any concerns within the local ethnicity minority community. Interesting ly, all police forces across the UK have engaged training officers in Community Race Relations to develop existing and new officers skills set in being aware of the diverse cultures and experiences of minority communities within the UK. An important issue raised by the LSE Report was that some police officers within the survey believed that the Macpherson Report was wrong in concluding on the racism within policing and tended to view the problems raised by the Report as being primarily around incompetence. (Foster et al 2005; 33). The danger here is that there is a risk that the real message surrounding the racism issue within policing can become lost within the institutional structure when some officers only focus on the actual incompetence findings within Macpherson. The LSE Report also found that the police use of language and their attempts to abolish the use of racist language amongst officers were becoming successful. (Ibid; 43). This approach was achieved through continuous education of new recruits and retraining schemes for existing officers, the key to the success of this hinged upon the senior officers creating an environment within policing which did not accept the use of racist language. Although the Macpherson Report opened the possibility of effecting real change within policing there still exists a number of key concerns. The concerns revolve around two core issues, firstly police use of stop and search powers and secondly the unsuccessful recruitment of sufficient officers from ethnic communities in order to make the police more reflective of the community it serves. The reporting structure recommended by Macpherson shows that a high proportion of people from the Black community are disproportionately stopped by the police under the stop and search powers. This represents that the database of all stop and searches contain 20% more black people than Asian or White people. (Bennetto 2009; 22). Whilst the Black community is over represented in the criminal justice system for criminal offences it does not justify a disproportionate use of police stop and search power. Additionally, a core failing has been the problem with recruiting officers from within the ethnic co mmunities. In an investigative journalism piece by the BBCs Mark Daly (2003) highlights that a significant problem is that there is a serious underrepresentation within senior ranking positions of ethnic minorities which impact upon policy and public perception.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Claude-Achille Debussy Essay -- Music

The task of giving an overview of the life of Claude-Achille Debussy is not easy. Without hesitation, this dynamic character made courageous strides that pushed the limitations of music to another level. His ultimate goal was not to be glorified through fame but to find his own unique voice, or the ‘musique a moi’. Even though his goal was to create his own unique sound, he had many influences, such as art, literature, and Wagner, that guided him in the creation of his style. Regardless of his teachers protestations and fellow peers’ critiques, he experimented with different sounds in music. When listening to Debussy’s music, one can clearly tell that it belongs to Debussy because of his use of different harmonies, rhythms, the pentatonic and whole tone scale, and his instrumentation. Claude Debussy was born in Saint Germain en Laye, France on August 22nd, 1862 the oldest of five children. His father, Manuel-Achille Debussy, had dreams for his son to be a sailor. Those dreams were dashed aside when Claude-Achille took his first piano lessons. With help from his aunt Clementine, Claude-Achille received piano lessons with an Italian violinist Jean Cerutti. When his father saw that he could play the piano, Manuel’s dreams quickly changed to hopes of Claude becoming a virtuosic pianist. From there he was entrusted to Verlaine’s mother-in-law, who enrolled Claude into the Paris Conservatoire at the young age of ten years old. Claude’s years at the Paris Conservatoire not only taught him the fundamentals of music, but it also provided an environment where Claude could experiment with different dissonant chords and techniques which can be heard in his compositions. â€Å"In Marmontel’s piano class he used to astound us with his bizarre... ..., who would invent characters belonging to no particular time or place; who would not despotically impose on me actions to be depicted and would leave me free, here and there, to surpass him in matters of art and to fill out his work.† Works Cited Berry, Wallace. Musical Structure and Performance. New Haven: Yale UP, 1989. Print. Briscoe, James R. Debussy in Performance. New Haven [Conn.: Yale UP, 1999. Print. "Claude Debussy." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 04 July 2012. Web. 08 Apr. 2012. . Lockspeiser, Edward. Debussy: His Life and Mind. Vol. 1. New York: Macmillan, 1962. Print. Lockspeiser, Edward. Debussy: His Life and Mind. Vol. 2. London: Cassell, 1965. Print. Lockspeiser, Edward. Debussy. London: J.M. Dent & Sons, 1966. Print. Nichols, Roger. The Life of Debussy. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1998. Print.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Edna and Conformity in Chopin’s The Awakening Essay -- Chopin Awakenin

Edna and Conformity in Chopin’s The Awakening The passage of The Awakening which truly marks Edna Pontellier’s new manner of thought regarding her life revolves around her remembrance of a day of her childhood in Kentucky. She describes the scene to Madame Ratigonelle as the two women sit on the beach one summer day. The passage opens with a description of the sea and the sky on that particular day. This day and its components are expressed in lethargic terms such as â€Å"idly† and â€Å"motionless† and suggested a scene of calm sleep. Such a depiction establishes an image of serenity and tranquility, in other words the calm before the storm which derives from Edna’s â€Å"awakening.† As the passage continues Madame Ratigonelle asks Edna â€Å"of whom- of what are you thinking?† It is of interest to point out that she initially inquires â€Å"of whom† as if to impose her knowledge on Edna that she believes Edna may be thinking of a particular person such as Robert. Edna answers â€Å"Nothing,† but then catches herself in an answer that comes from simple habit and decides to retrace her thoughts. She rememb...

Economical Ethics Essay

Each of us as individuals are responsible for our own monies, our own bills, spending habits and we are ultimately responsible for our money which in turn allows us much latitude in how we choose to spend our money. With this said, it can be said that there is little no to no ethics involved when we deal with our own funds or finances. Is this true? No! In fact there are many moral and ethical decisions involved in spending our own money. We must choose to pay our obligatory bills and not go gamble it all away. We are obligated, unless we don’t drive, to pay for our gasoline and not spend it on illicit drugs or other illegal activities. This is the small side of ethics in an economical world. The larger picture of ethics in the economy involves the government, politics, banks and businesses in all forms. In the majority of cases, when one of these entities is dealing with monies, 90% of the time it is money that is owned by the public in some way. This money might be for stocks purchased from a broker, money deposited into a bank, campaign funds or funds approved by a local ballot. There are many factors at play and many more entities than this. They have a much larger responsibility ethically than we do. It is their responsibility to make sure the public’s money is spent as it was given permission to be spent. If we approved for Jones 2 them to spend publics’ money on a playground then that is where it needs to go. Campaign funds, the same thing. I can continue on indefinitely. You have all heard the news where embezzlement of funds, stolen funds, misappropriation of funds happens and in these instances this becomes a crime. The morals that were ignored became an ethical situation that was violated thus violating our trust as the public. It is unfortunate that we face this or the threat of this each day and that we never know when the next person we hold in trust will try and disappear with monies that we, as a whole, have put out there, to try and make something better. Let us exonerate greed and these problems will lessen. Our ethics will improve as will parts of our economy. Jones 1 Davy Jones Professor Mills English 2010 7 July 2004 Global Economy Just what is global economy and what does it do for us or not do for us? Do we as a nation agree with having a global economy? Global economy has slowed down our nation’s production thus eliminating jobs in the USA. What do we get in return? Our global economy has allowed the use of cheaper labor to mass produce items at a much lower cost. This would constitute much of the import trade. What does it cost to fund this trade and take into consideration that dollars in the USA do not equal foreign currency. Does it balance out by time transportation cost and tariffs have been paid? Maybe we have saved a few dollars as a whole but do we really know? What if we pulled back some of this import and foreign labor and allow more of our own nation the ability to work in positions that we do not have available because those positions are in another country. Does this really affect our global economy to the point of despair or will our economy strengthen in our nation because it is our people who work and our people who spend more money. Yes the money does make the world go around and the advocacy to pull all foreign labor is not what this is about. We do need some form of global economy as there is room to have all of us on the same side. Jones 2 There are some parts of the world that have more advanced technology or a specific cheese or wine or lumber that we at this time cannot reproduce. It is the items that we cannot reproduce that should constitute the import trade. With this we do help our nation that much more while still also continuing a needed global economy. Works Cited Liu, Henry, â€Å"The Economics of a Global Empire† http://www. atimes. com/atimes/Global_Economy/DH14Dj01. html August 14, 2002 Dietrich Michael & Rowen Donna, â€Å" Incorporating Ethics into Economics: Problems and Possibilities â€Å" Sheffield Economic Research Paper Series http://www. shef. ac. uk/content/1/c6/03/91/71/SERP2004006. pdf July 2004

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Product Life Cycle Concept Essay

Michael Porter’s framework of competitive analysis is applicable to our business organization known as D.T.DOBIE TANZANIA LTD which falls under the automobile industry in Tanzania and worldwide in the following ways: A.Barriers to entry/threat of new entrants. It’s true that the average person can’t come along and start selling brand new cars. The emergence of foreign competitors with the capital, required technologies and management skills began to undermine the market share of brand new car sellers. The following factors are barriers to automobile seller’s new entrants: * Knowledge and Technology Ideas and knowledge of servicing its supplied products is the one that provides competitive advantage to D.T Dobie over others. D.T Dobie uses machines of highest technology on checking and servicing its cars in which, gives them power to provide guarantee of up to one year service to its product since they are assured of what they are doing. The machines used by the skilled labor of D.T Dobie to service and check the product are of high quality and they are very expensive in such a way that for new entrants firm in that business its an ownership barrier. * Access to distribution The demand for brand new cars in Tanzania is very low since they are sold at price that individual can’t afford. D.T Dobie is a greater supplier of brand new cars to Tanzania government institution, most United Nations (UN) organizations such as UNICEF, ILO, UNESCO, representative’s offices in Tanzania and embassies offices. Since these agencies are the most buyers of brand new cars, it has made D.T Dobie to have almost the access to distribution channel of selling brand new cars in which this act as barrier to new entrants since the buyers are few. * Cost of entry Initial capital required to set up a new firm is very high, it makes the chances of new entrants to be very less. * Product differentiation and cost advantage The product has to be different and attractive to be accepted by the customers. D.T Dobie is the greater seller of brand new NISSAN, MITSUBISHI, MERCEDES BENZ, HONDA and HYUNDAI in which made them different from its competitor since it sells many brands than others. By being supplier of government cars has made them to be exempted when importing cars for government institution uses. B. Bargaining power of suppliers: The bargaining power of suppliers is also described as the market of inputs. Suppliers of raw materials, components, labor, and services (such as expertise) to the firm can be a source of power over the firm, when there are few substitutes. Suppliers may refuse to work with the firm and also may charge excessively high prices for unique resources. For organization of our choice i.e. D.T Dobie its suppliers for motor vehicles are TOYOTA, NISSAN, MITSUBISHI and MERCEDES BENZ. D.T Dobie is the seller of brand new car in Tanzania where by its inputs i.e. imported new cars from great multinational companies are so important for its survival, this leads the suppliers having great power over D.T Dobie since it’s not manufacturer but the buyer of finished product. Increase in production cost to one of suppliers on specified product may lead to switching cost which will be relative to D.T Dobie switching cost. Degree of differentiation of inputs: D.T Dobie supplier’s supply different brands in which is difficult for them to switch from one supplier to another. For example if they are required by its customers i.e. government to supply cars that’s engine capacity is V8 that pushes them to deal with TOYOTA since other suppliers are not producing cars with that engine capacity. For parts suppliers, the life span of an automobile is very important. The longer a car stays operational, the greater the need for replacement parts. On the other hand, new parts are lasting longer, which is great for consumers, but is not such good news for parts makers. C. Bargaining power of customers: Buyers refer to the customers who finally consume the product or the firms who distribute the industry’s product to the final consumers. Bargaining power of buyers refer to the potential of buyers to bargain down the prices charged by the firms in the industry or to increase the firms cost in the industry by demanding better quality and service of product. Since our organization of our choice D.T Dobie supplies and sell brand new cars in Tanzania, its customers are few since who can afford to buy brand new cars are government institution, most united nations (UN) organizations such as UNICEF, ILO, UNESCO, representatives offices in Tanzania, embassies offices and individuals who can afford to do so. Since its customers only want quality and guaranteed products this act as driving force to D.T Dobie to supply not only quality products but also quality parts and servicing those cars for the whole year as guarantee after being sold out. Since D.T Dobie is greater supplier of brand new NISSAN, MITSUBISHI, MERCEDES BENZ etc. cars in Tanzania availability of substitute products such as FORD, RANGE ROVER, LAND ROVER which are supplied by its competitors like CMC motors and sold at same or at lower price than D.T Dobie’s have made some of its customers to shift to those brands as it’s known customers are very sensitive to price. Most of those mentioned above customers purchase in large quantities. They have full information about the product and the market. They emphasize upon quality products. They pose credible threat of backward integration. In this way, they are regarded as a threat. D. Threat of Substitute Products: Substitute products are goods or services from outside a given industry that perform similar or the same functions as a product that the industry produces. Rather than looking at the threat of someone buying a different car, there is also a need to also look at the likelihood of people taking the bus, train or airplane to their destination. When determining the availability of substitute’s time, money invested, personal preferences and convenience in the auto travel industry should be considered. D.T.Dobie should consider the following factors when analyzing this force: * Price Band The threat that consumer will switch to a substitute product if there has been an increase in price of the product or there has been a decrease in price of the substitute product. If the price of the cars sold by D.T.Dobie will increase the main expected customers i.e. the one switching from bike to car will not move to car and will remain in the bike only. Thus the price is kept checked in this manner. * Substitutes performance The performance of the substitute sector also plays an important role in the success of the business. If the price of other dealers such as Africariers increases or the price band of the small segment falls, it will have effect on the quantity required in the market. It’s just on the price but also the features and the other services associated or it may be the status symbol story. * Buyers willingness Products with improving price/performance tradeoffs relative to present industry products. It will determine the willingness of the buyer to buy from D.T.Dobie.The willingness of the customers to go forward to try the new product in the market such as Mercedes Benz reduces the threat from substitute products. E. Competitive Rivalry: This force analyses the level of competition between existing players in the industry. Because an industry’s firms are mutually dependent, actions taken by one company usually invite competitive responses. Thus in many industries firms actively compete against one another. Highly Competitive industries generally earn low returns because the cost of competition is high. The auto industry is considered to be an oligopoly (a market condition in which sellers are so few that actions of any one of them will materially affect price) which helps to minimize the price-based competition. Below are factors which are seen in this force: * Price Competition Advertising battles may increase total industry demand, but may be costly to smaller competitors. Products with similar function limit the prices firms can charge. Price competition often leaves the entire industry worse off.. * Product Quality Increasing consumer warranties or service is very common these days. To maintain low cost, companies consistently has to make manufacturing improvements to keep the business competitive. This requires additional capital expenditure which tends to eat up company’s earning. On the other hand if no one else can provide products/ services the way you do you have a monopoly. D.T.Dobie enjoys the monopoly of selling new cars are there are no competitors in this segment. * Unique Selling Point Also D.T. Dobie has advantage over its rivals because it represents a premium brand which is recognized over the world, they found a niche in the market where have a leading brand like Mercedes-Benzes a and a brand which people aspire to own .Also they are lucky to have Nissan one of the most renowned Japanese brands which is an equal pillar of their business. * Expansion DT Dobie is looking to grow and move forward, both in its native Tanzania and in surroundings regions. By building strong relationships and working closely with strategic partners, DT Dobie’s footprint keeps on growing. Also they are expanding by appointing more dealers around the country. * Investment In terms of investing in our own equipment, this takes priority; they put all eyes on technology so they are not behind the rest of the world. Even if the latest technical advancement s are available to the company, DT Dobie makes sure any investment is benefiting to the organization as a whole .Every five years D.T. Dobie has an equipment review which makes sure the company is on right track, ensures investments have been successful and assesses whether upgrades need to be made in order to reach the next level, they are absolutely up to date. Also ensures that its vehicle testing equipment has modern standards which outnumber it from its rivals. CONCLUSION: In general, any CEO or a strategic business manager is trying to steer his or her business in a direction where the business will develop an edge over rival firms. Michael Porter’s model of Five Forces can be used to better understand the industry context in which the firm operates. Porter’s Five Forces model is a strategy tool that is used to analyze attractiveness of an industry structure. Porter’s Five Forces model views the business from inside and outside. It focuses on assessing competitive position within the industry.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Ethical Dilemma Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 8

Ethical Dilemma - Essay Example The top executives like any other person have a right to appreciate other persons and give comments on their physical appearances, as well as their conducts. Since people do not look alike it normal for another person to compare a person with others especially if they are living together (Solotoff & Kramer, 2006). It is not right to assume that when someone is comparing two or more persons is doing so to seduce them or harass them sexually. For the top executives in an organization, they may compare the appearances and the conducts of female workers for the sole purpose of marketing their company. This may work well for the company if the most attract ladies is located where they can interact with the clients for the purpose of marketing the company. According to Solotoff and Kramer (2006) the "United States Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) sexual harassment is gender discrimination in violation of title VII Civil Rights Act 1964." The employers are held accountable for the sexual harassment of their employees while at their workplace. The conducts of the top executives of the accounting firms in the case study amounts to sexual harassment because result of their conducts was demeaning to the female workers in the organization. There were previous claims of sexual harassment in the same companies and some workers had sued the company successfully against sexual harassment. Furthermore, it was against the company’s culture because there are requirements that physical appearance was a requirement for employment. The top executives conducts were immoral and ill intended because it may lower the work moral of the female workers rated low and may even affect their social interactions with other employees. In conclusion, the conducts top executives of the accounting firms were unethical and were tantamount to sexual harassment of the female employees. The

Monday, October 7, 2019

Sample content for either a book or magazine of your invention plus an Essay

Sample content for either a book or magazine of your invention plus an indicative publishing plan and a critical reflection - Essay Example R. (2003 is first ensuring that data stored in the computer is safely stored and only accessible to the people who have been authorized. This can be done by ensuring that your computer is locked with a not only a password but a strong password. A strong password is a password that is at least eight characters long. It should include a mixture of numeric, alphanumeric and symbols. Alphanumeric should include both uppercase and lowercase letters (Caldwell, 2003). The second thing to ensuring that your computer is safe is employing the use of an anti-virus. The anti-virus will according to Kaspersky lab, ensure that your computer is safe from viruses, worms, malicious codes and any suspicious software that are likely to affect the normal functioning of your computer (Caldwell, 2003). The anti-virus is capable of removing the malicious software from your computer. Not only should you ensure that you have an anti-virus, but also ensure that the anti-virus you choose to incorporate in your system in compatible with the computer programs installed. You should ensure also that the anti-virus’ performance is capable of reaching up to your personal needs and specifications. Ensuring that your computer programs and the operating system are up to date is also another way of ensuring that your computer stays safe. By keeping your operating system up to date for example, this will have the effect of ensuring that the security flaws that were present in the previous version are patched up. One should also ensure that their anti-virus software are up to date. This will give the computer users the confidence that their system will be free from any emerging viruses in the internet (Caldwell, 2003). In order for one to ensure security on-line, (Shneiderman, 2000) they have to ensure that their firewalls are turned on. A firewall is software that controls the traffic being received and being transmitted by a computer. It will help the user in

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Unequal treatment and payment to women in workplace Essay

Unequal treatment and payment to women in workplace - Essay Example Women are usually born with the responsibility to give birth to next generation. However, pregnancy is not considered a disability. However, some companies and employers do not accommodate pregnant workers. In the article ‘women still are not equal in workplace’, by Tyler Vendetti, Tyler illustrates an incident where a pregnant woman was fired at Walmart for asking for the permission to carry a bottle of water even after displaying the doctor’s prescriptionBesides pregnancy, women’s ability is not recognized by many organizations. A recent survey depicted that high-potential women are over supervised and under supported relative to their male counterparts. In some companies, women are not allowed to contribute to major decisions. Apparently, this situation makes women work more and contribute less to the company’s developmental efforts, which is not fair at all.Although women constitute about half the total labor force in different fields, they recei ve a low deal when it comes to payment. Men are usually concentrated in high-paying fields such as finance and engineering. In those high-income fields, women take approximately 37%. However, in the low-income fields such as social services, women constitute about 77.3% of labor force. It can be observed that this is another discrimination in the workplace environment. The society does not believe that women can take an important and hard job such as engineering and finance. Actually, when the companies conduct interviews, they are more likely to hire males in the high paying jobs.

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Research on the two careers Proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

On the two careers - Research Proposal Example The areas of study included what the client could expect in terms of educational demands, salary expectations, working conditions, skills development and the level of contact with external forces within each career field. An interview was conducted with the client to uncover their demands in each of these five areas for each career choice. Human Resources Management The client indicated that a competitive salary with only four-year college education were the largest demands for a career in management in either human resources or hospitality management. Unwilling to seek a Master’s degree due to cost and personal obligations, it was necessary for Open Options to satisfy these demands for careers only requiring a four-year Bachelor’s level degree. The role of human resources manager, in most industries, requires only a Bachelor’s in Human Resources in order to receive the average salary of $59,310 (, 2011). This was the salary for Lowe’s Home Imp rovement and was competitive with most other industries both retail and non-retail. Educational demands in the role of human resources manager are related to basic business courses, knowledge of applicable labor laws, marketing, and organizational communication. These are typical four-year degree courses that build a rounded applicant profile for the role of HR management. The client indicated that there was a need for a working environment that required little in terms of physical labor and also one where there was a high reliance on technology in daily role obligations. This is why Open Options determined that the career of HR manager would be best-suited to the client needs. For example, the HR manager often utilizes the human resource information system (HRIS) with is â€Å"a composite of databases, computer applications, and hardware/software necessary to store, manage, deliver present and manipulate data† (Ngai & Wat, 2006, p.299). The working condition for an HR manage r is one where technology is integral to serving low-level business populations and also large-scale corporate or multinational business environments. It is thus suited specifically to accommodate needs as identified through the interview. Skills required for the role of HR manager, it was identified through research, include knowledge of human psychology above and beyond the educational degree. â€Å"Human beings are sensitive and reflect on what they experience, responding to inner feelings and interpretations† (Sandoff, 2005, p.530). In order to be an effective HR manager, it is necessary to understand what motivates individuals at the sociological and psychological level in order to gain their commitment and avoid resistance to corporate change practices. Because the client indicated that they were people-focused and enjoyed diverse working environments, it was determined again that the role of HR manager was absolutely suited to fit these needs. When inquired as to wheth er the interviewee would rather work independently or with outside forces in daily job role, a strong inclination was discovered for external consulting based on the high level of people-friendly personality traits. The role of HR manager requires the individual to work with diverse individuals from multiple business sources, including regulatory forces that monitor labor conditions,

Friday, October 4, 2019

The Development of American Colonies Essay Example for Free

The Development of American Colonies Essay Since the discovery of the New World by European powers, the newly established European settlements on American soil varied from region to region. Two such regions were The Chesapeake and The New England regions. Although both were settled vastly by the English people the societies they formed were different. These differences were due to a few factors. The factors include motivation for migration, geography, social, political and economical structures of the settlements. These factors are what contributed to the variations seen in the societies formed by settlers of distinct regions. In the 1600s life in Great Britain was no too pleasant for certain groups of people. The farming population of England was pushed off their land by landlords who began enclosing areas for pasture of animals such as sheep needed to maintain the increasing woolen industry of England. The landless farmers swarmed into cities such as London and Bristol. The cities became overpopulated and unemployment rates soared. People were desperate for jobs. In the 1600s a system called primogeniture was practiced in England. The system ensured that all inheritance went to the oldest son in the family. Younger sons of aristocratic families were left without inheritance where eager to find prosperity of their own. Such people looking for profit decided to try their luck in the New World. The motivation of these people was mostly personal profit. For those of elite origin escaping primogeniture was also a motivation. Another motive which stimulated these courageous people was finding a better route to the Indies which a few competing European powers were also seeking. The leadership was provided by a popular monarch Queen Elizabeth, and the financing by Virginia Joint Stock Company. In 1607 a group of Englishmen set out and settled James Town which became a colony in the Chesapeake region. The first band of settlers was all males, although later shipments of people did include a small fraction of women. This trend could be seen in Document C which contains a list of passengers headed for Virginia in 1635.The passage to the New World was rough and people died in its pursuit. The geography in the Chesapeake region was different from that in England. The hot climate provided for diseases such as malaria to which the English people were not immune. These diseases  killed off many of the colonists. The soil was fertile; the woods full of game and fish was present in the ocean. Yet many of the emigrating men were gentlemen who were not accustomed to work and therefore did not know how to take advantage of these resources. Other colonists spent time searching for gold instead of focusing on survival and the starving time came into being. The colonists died in large numbers of malnutrition and starvation and disease. The colony survived due to the leadership provided by Capitan John Smith. His theory of Those who shall not work shall not eat caused some discipline within the men. As stated in Document F by Captain John Smith the colonists faced hard times. They died of cold and hunger. Captain Smith explained in the document that getting colonists to work was troublesome. Those who hunted gold got others involved and the men wasted time instead of gathering food. Capitan Smith realizing such starvation sent out a ship to summon supplies for the next year. The two councilor that were present in the colony to maintain law and order made friends with the sailors and wanted to sail back to England thus causing Smith trouble to prevent such from happening. Such unruly colonists owed a large part of their survival to Capitan Smith. He made relation with the local Indians and their leader Powhatans aided the colonists in obtaining food. When another shipment of people arrived amongst them was leader Lord de la Warr. He held a harsh military rule and made trouble with the local Indians whom the colonists raided for food. A war was started yet peace came to be when colonists by the name of John Rolfe married the Powhatan princess named Pocahontas. The economy of the colonies improved when John Rolfe perfected tobacco growing. Tobacco was a profitable crop yet it required labor and vast areas of land to grow it upon. Tobacco exhausted soil and the English were forced to press upon Indian Territory to find more land for Tobacco growing. These actions caused Indians to rebel. Another series of Anglo- Powhatans wars was launched and a large number of colonists killed including John Rolfe.  Yet the English won and the peace settlement required the Indians to be uprooted and moved away form the white settlements. These were the origins of reservation systems which later came into being. Tobacco being a profitable crop, plantation system was developed for its growth. Such plantations required labor and the use of the Headright came into being. The system included the use of people called indentured servants. Indentured servants singed contracts and volunteered their labor as slaves for a set number of years in return for passage fair to the New World provided by their master. They were further promised their freedom dues which included a small piece of land, clothing, and a few barrels of corn upon the termination of their indenture. The indentured servants were promised much yet the promises were not always kept. The land they were given was on Indian Territory and caused Indian attacks. Further the land was second rate and not much crops could be grown on such land. The indentures thus faced poverty at the end of their indenture. These conditions caused the indentures to rebel. Bacons rebellion occurred in 1653 and consisted of angry indentures rebelling against the rich land owners who were backed by Governor Berkley or the area. Ideas of the rebellion are vividly described in Document H which explains how wealth was unjustly and unevenly distributed among the landowning population leaving the others including freed indentures to poverty. Another colony in the Chesapeake region was Maryland founded by Lord Baltimore as a haven for Catholics. The economy of the colony also largely depended on the growth and exportation of tobacco and thus also needed labor The Chesapeake region which had connections to the Caribbean saw the black slavery that occurred there and adopted it for the work on plantation. African servants were easier to maintain and control with the use of the Adopted Barbados slave codes. Virginia colony set up a form of government called the House of Burgesses which was a small parliament which governed the colony. Yet the southern colonies were surrounded by enemies of other nations such as the Dutch and  the Spanish in Florida. Government was not always able to defend the colony form such invaders. As Stated in Document G where Governor Berkley explained the colonial inability to defend itself form the Dutch which whom they were forced to share the continent. These attacks of foreigners had to be curbed and controlled by Virginias government. Societies were hard to form in the Chesapeake colonies. The areas were spread out and the establishment of schools and churches was difficult. There was still a shortage of females present in the region. Thus a large number of men could not find a wife and start a family. The few unstable families reproduced slowly compared with the New England Colonies. High mortality rate of men enabled women to have power and inherit their husbands property to support themselves and their children upon becoming a widow. Such were the factors that formed the societies in the Chesapeake colonies. English puritan separatist who believed the Anglican Church was corrupt suffered much prejudice for their religious beliefs. They moved to Holland where they became increasingly aware of the Dutchification of their children, their loss of English language and customs and adoption of Dutch culture. These people wanted a place where they could freely practice their religion while remaining fully English in speech and culture and traditions. Puritans secured a charter form the Virginia Joint Stock company and were supposed to land in James town, yet they sailed off coast and landed in Plymouth. The motivation of these people included mostly religious purposes and the worry of the Dutchification of their children. They thus came in families to settle and stay. These puritans strongly believed in hard work and survival. Only one person died on their passage over. As the list of passengers bound for New England is examined in Document B a trend of women men and children coming as families could be seen. Among the religious motives of the Puritans was the idea of building a perfect holy society that would be an example to all others. Jonathan Winthrop, the founder of the Massachusetts Bay colony. Expressed his desire to build a holy city on a hill blessed by god in Document A. Geography was another factor which influenced the development of the  colonies. New England soil was rocky therefore the families did small subsistence farming in contrast to the export economy sustained in the south. The New England region had access to the ocean therefore fishing and whaling was pursued. The woody region contributed to, much of the lumber used in shipbuilding. The local Indians of the region seemed to be previously wiped out by an epidemic leaving shelters and cleared fields for European settlements. The Wampanoag tribe in the settlement helped the puritans survive by introducing corn and other to them. The colony thus celebrated their first Thanksgiving Day with the Harvest brought about in the fall. The Governmental structure of the colonies was set up before the puritans left the ship to settle New England. The Mayflower Compact was drawn on the ship and was an agreement signed by the male passengers to form a self governing body ruled by majority in the settlements which they were about to established. As could be seen in Document D the Mayflower compact was the first form of the colonies agreement toward the common goal of survival. The government later set up in the colonies was a theocracy. The church was supported by a state tax yet the clergy officials were not able to hold office. Town meetings were administered in which decisions were made by a vote of majority. An assembly called the General Court was elected by free adult puritan males. The General Court made the decisions such as tax and wage regulations in the colonies. In Document E could be examined to see how the General Court assembly controlled prices and wages. Document E is a good example how theocratic even the General Court was often referring to god to prove their point or justify a cause. Outcasts were removed by the government such as minister Roger Williams. Roger Williams was and extreme puritan separatist believed that the puritan church established in the new world further needed reform. He thought that He believed that the Indians of the region were mistreated and deserved better land. Roger Williams was expelled from Massachusetts Bay colony and went further to est. the Rhode Island colony which offered complete religious freedom, no tax supported church and sheltered outcasts such as Anne Hutchinson. Anne Hutchinson also went to defy the puritan theology  claiming that there was no predestination a belief cherished by the puritans. She was exiled and sent to the Rhode Island colony. The economy of the colonies rested largely upon shipbuilding for the British army. Production of products such as tar and rosin were valued by the English navy and were paid well for. Bostons geographical location on a seaport made it a center of trade and commerce, which was a profitable position. Colonies like Rhode Island which often half slave auctions profited from such occurrences. Fishing and export of codfish also sustained the economics of the colonies. Finally the social structure of the New England colonies was different from the southern Chesapeake colonies. The New Englanders formed towns and communities. Education was important many of the colonists had to be literate in order to read the bible. Institutions such as Harvard University were established to train young men for clergy. The families in New England were stable and fertile. They reproduced well and the population grew. As the population grew other colonies such as Connecticut Valley and New Haven colonies were added to the New England region. These colonies were similar expect for Rhode Island colony and later established Quaker Pennsylvania. The Massachusetts colonies even formed a confederation called the New England Confederation with the Connecticut colonies whose purpose was to protect the colonies and was ruled by a voting majority of representatives. In conclusion the variations in geographical, economical, social, political, and motivational factors contributed to the diverse societies formed by people of common English origin. These factors affected the largely the mentality and the way of life of the people residing in these New England and the Chesapeake regions. The differences in the aspects of society mentioned above are what gave the colonies of different regions their distinct characteristics. Bibliography: Bailey, Thomas, and David Kennedy. The American Pageant. 10th. Lexington Massachusetts: D.C. Health and company, 1994.