Friday, October 11, 2019

Economical Ethics Essay

Each of us as individuals are responsible for our own monies, our own bills, spending habits and we are ultimately responsible for our money which in turn allows us much latitude in how we choose to spend our money. With this said, it can be said that there is little no to no ethics involved when we deal with our own funds or finances. Is this true? No! In fact there are many moral and ethical decisions involved in spending our own money. We must choose to pay our obligatory bills and not go gamble it all away. We are obligated, unless we don’t drive, to pay for our gasoline and not spend it on illicit drugs or other illegal activities. This is the small side of ethics in an economical world. The larger picture of ethics in the economy involves the government, politics, banks and businesses in all forms. In the majority of cases, when one of these entities is dealing with monies, 90% of the time it is money that is owned by the public in some way. This money might be for stocks purchased from a broker, money deposited into a bank, campaign funds or funds approved by a local ballot. There are many factors at play and many more entities than this. They have a much larger responsibility ethically than we do. It is their responsibility to make sure the public’s money is spent as it was given permission to be spent. If we approved for Jones 2 them to spend publics’ money on a playground then that is where it needs to go. Campaign funds, the same thing. I can continue on indefinitely. You have all heard the news where embezzlement of funds, stolen funds, misappropriation of funds happens and in these instances this becomes a crime. The morals that were ignored became an ethical situation that was violated thus violating our trust as the public. It is unfortunate that we face this or the threat of this each day and that we never know when the next person we hold in trust will try and disappear with monies that we, as a whole, have put out there, to try and make something better. Let us exonerate greed and these problems will lessen. Our ethics will improve as will parts of our economy. Jones 1 Davy Jones Professor Mills English 2010 7 July 2004 Global Economy Just what is global economy and what does it do for us or not do for us? Do we as a nation agree with having a global economy? Global economy has slowed down our nation’s production thus eliminating jobs in the USA. What do we get in return? Our global economy has allowed the use of cheaper labor to mass produce items at a much lower cost. This would constitute much of the import trade. What does it cost to fund this trade and take into consideration that dollars in the USA do not equal foreign currency. Does it balance out by time transportation cost and tariffs have been paid? Maybe we have saved a few dollars as a whole but do we really know? What if we pulled back some of this import and foreign labor and allow more of our own nation the ability to work in positions that we do not have available because those positions are in another country. Does this really affect our global economy to the point of despair or will our economy strengthen in our nation because it is our people who work and our people who spend more money. Yes the money does make the world go around and the advocacy to pull all foreign labor is not what this is about. We do need some form of global economy as there is room to have all of us on the same side. Jones 2 There are some parts of the world that have more advanced technology or a specific cheese or wine or lumber that we at this time cannot reproduce. It is the items that we cannot reproduce that should constitute the import trade. With this we do help our nation that much more while still also continuing a needed global economy. Works Cited Liu, Henry, â€Å"The Economics of a Global Empire† http://www. atimes. com/atimes/Global_Economy/DH14Dj01. html August 14, 2002 Dietrich Michael & Rowen Donna, â€Å" Incorporating Ethics into Economics: Problems and Possibilities â€Å" Sheffield Economic Research Paper Series http://www. shef. ac. uk/content/1/c6/03/91/71/SERP2004006. pdf July 2004

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