Saturday, October 5, 2019

Research on the two careers Proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

On the two careers - Research Proposal Example The areas of study included what the client could expect in terms of educational demands, salary expectations, working conditions, skills development and the level of contact with external forces within each career field. An interview was conducted with the client to uncover their demands in each of these five areas for each career choice. Human Resources Management The client indicated that a competitive salary with only four-year college education were the largest demands for a career in management in either human resources or hospitality management. Unwilling to seek a Master’s degree due to cost and personal obligations, it was necessary for Open Options to satisfy these demands for careers only requiring a four-year Bachelor’s level degree. The role of human resources manager, in most industries, requires only a Bachelor’s in Human Resources in order to receive the average salary of $59,310 (, 2011). This was the salary for Lowe’s Home Imp rovement and was competitive with most other industries both retail and non-retail. Educational demands in the role of human resources manager are related to basic business courses, knowledge of applicable labor laws, marketing, and organizational communication. These are typical four-year degree courses that build a rounded applicant profile for the role of HR management. The client indicated that there was a need for a working environment that required little in terms of physical labor and also one where there was a high reliance on technology in daily role obligations. This is why Open Options determined that the career of HR manager would be best-suited to the client needs. For example, the HR manager often utilizes the human resource information system (HRIS) with is â€Å"a composite of databases, computer applications, and hardware/software necessary to store, manage, deliver present and manipulate data† (Ngai & Wat, 2006, p.299). The working condition for an HR manage r is one where technology is integral to serving low-level business populations and also large-scale corporate or multinational business environments. It is thus suited specifically to accommodate needs as identified through the interview. Skills required for the role of HR manager, it was identified through research, include knowledge of human psychology above and beyond the educational degree. â€Å"Human beings are sensitive and reflect on what they experience, responding to inner feelings and interpretations† (Sandoff, 2005, p.530). In order to be an effective HR manager, it is necessary to understand what motivates individuals at the sociological and psychological level in order to gain their commitment and avoid resistance to corporate change practices. Because the client indicated that they were people-focused and enjoyed diverse working environments, it was determined again that the role of HR manager was absolutely suited to fit these needs. When inquired as to wheth er the interviewee would rather work independently or with outside forces in daily job role, a strong inclination was discovered for external consulting based on the high level of people-friendly personality traits. The role of HR manager requires the individual to work with diverse individuals from multiple business sources, including regulatory forces that monitor labor conditions,

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