Thursday, November 21, 2019

Characteristics of the Modern Bureaucracy Coursework

Characteristics of the Modern Bureaucracy - Coursework Example The administration includes all state functional organs, and it is quite significant influencing the vast portion of the society in the modern world (Scheidel, 2014). Bureaucracy has several roles in the public life since it keeps the government functional. It affects the implementation of law and policies made by elected officials within the government. It also provides the necessary administrative functions like collecting fees, issuing permits and licenses. Bureaucratic administration conducts government operations by regulating the various performances of state organs (Findly, 2014). Since the bureaucracy deals closely with the governmental issues, it would not be easier to hire and stop the civil servants according to their performance in their duties. It is mainly because the bureaucratic workers need specialized training, which cost the government a lot of money to sponsor and maintain. The high performing civil servants should get the merit-based compensation like their counterparts in the private sector since they have skills and experience to deliver well. The private sector consists of privately owned organizations that are not part of the government such as the non-profit and profit corporations. The public sector consists of government-owned institutions like the federal, provincial, state, or municipal governments. In the private sector, there is greater fluidity in job changing and flexibility in pay rise than in the public sector that is its importance over the public sector (Eyben & Moncrieffe,

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