Sunday, November 10, 2019

Why I need a degree in Christian ministry

I am a devoted Christian with a calling to serve human kind so as to convert as many people as possible to Christianity.   For me, nothing makes more sense that preaching the word of God.   Although I believe that Christianity is a matter of spirituality and the Holy Spirit is largely responsible for teaching Christians and especially preachers and ministers the word, I appreciate the role of studying the Christian ministry.With an increasingly elitist society, more people turning lukewarm to the word of God, with an increasingly rebellious youth and society, it is the high time that Christian ministers changed their approach in preaching and teaching the word of God so as to address the emerging situation.Preaching the word of God today is different from what it used to be in the past three decades or so. The preaching of the word of God requires a combination of spiritual knowledge and formal knowledge acquired through studies.A lot of contemporary issues affecting todayâ€℠¢s churches such as high rate of divorce and infidelity even amongst Christians is a cause for worry.   Even amongst the top leadership of churches, Christian leaders are often differing in the open on some issue affecting the society something which is threatening to tear apart the church. There is a need for church leaders to be equipped with leadership skills; these are only attainable through further studies.An issue such as the accommodation of homosexuals in the church is an example of an emerging challenge for the church leadership.   To handle the fresh challenges, a quality education and training in the word of God is very important.   Leading the church today needs managerial qualities as much as the spiritual issues.Studying a degree in Christian ministry combines teachings of the bible with other contemporary issues such as leadership.   A degree in Christian ministry is ideal for a church minister in that, a sense of management skills as well as leadership skill s has become a necessity in the management of modern institutions.For me a chance to pursue a degree in Christian ministry will grant me the opportunity to gain the management and leadership skills.   These management skills gained in education helps a lot in the management of churches; some of which are big enough and have congregations of tens of thousands with a network stretching many countries.I am already a Christian and I really need the training given the fact that I am planting a church in Haiti, a foreign country, with different culture from mine and under a totally different environment.   I need a combination of skills so as to be able to lead the new church into prosperity.   In preaching, it has become very important for the preachers to balance the sermons in order to meet the diverse needs of the congregation.   For instance, there could be some members of the congregation who are faced with parenting problems, others who are faced with financial challenges a nd others could be faced with marriage problems.The congregations look up to the ministers for hope, inspiration and for assurance.   To meet the needs such as those mentioned above, preachers must be competent in such matters.   This requires training and for me; the need for a degree in Christian ministry.Additionally, it has become very important for preachers to change the approach in missions.   For example, taking the example of nations where Christianity has not yet reached everybody or is faced with stiff opposition, there is a need for preachers to use the professional approach.   For instance, there are countries whereby a Christian teacher can not be allowed to preach.If one is trained and they have a degree, such a preacher can go into that country not necessarily as a preacher but an employee of non-profit making organizations.Once already in the areas where preaching is forbidden, it is very easy to preach in a work station.   Therefore a degree in the Christ ian ministry allows an individual to fit in many situations where the services of a minister are needed.A lot of scholarly materials have been discovered in the course of time which has served to fortify the belief and faith of Christians.   The best place to learn about historical discoveries on Christian issues is in the university.A degree in Christian ministry gives the student good background knowledge on topics surrounding the church, which become very useful in the conversion process whereby converts may question some teachings.   For preachers who have been through the university, they are better placed to solve such issues.ConclusionI am a devoted Christian, a Sunday school teacher and a traveling missionary with an aim of reaching the unreached and delivering the good news to those who have not has the wonderful opportunity. I really would love to pursue a degree in Christian ministry if I am granted the opportunity.ReferencesBarkley, Nella, and Sandburg, E. (1995).   Taking Charge of Your Career.   New York:   Workman

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